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  5. [Tsuzuki Ward  ] Recruitment of municipal nursery school fiscal year appointment staff (childcare support childcare worker daily job) (adopted on April 1, 2025)

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[Tsuzuki Ward  ] Recruitment of municipal nursery school fiscal year appointment staff (childcare support childcare worker daily job) (adopted on April 1, 2025)

Last updated on February 21, 2025.


Those who meet all of the following requirements

(1)Being registered as a nursery teacher, or being expected to be registered by March 2025

(Including registration by passing the regional limited nursery teacher test conducted in Kanagawa Prefecture.)

(2)Do not fall under the grounds for disqualification regarding recruitment stipulated in Article 16, etc. of the Local Public Service Act

Duties, working conditions, etc.

Recruitment Guide

Please refer to the following link for details.


  • Operation of the open garden (Ohisama Square) at a municipal nursery school in Tsuzuki Ward  , childcare courses, exchange childcare, and childcare consultation services
  • In addition, disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)

Working conditions

Work location

Chigasaki Minami Nursery School, Yokohama City (5-11-3 Chigasaki Minami, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama City)

Working days and hours

From 10:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday (including 30 minutes during lunch break)

Working 2 days or 3 days a week

(Days that do not require work: Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, and from December 29 to January 3)


8,040 yen per day

※Scheduled amount for FY2025 (Remuneration may change during the appointment period)

Term-end allowance, diligence allowance, and commuting expenses (equivalent to actual expenses) are paid separately.
※The term-end allowance and diligence allowance are paid if certain requirements are met.


Annual vacation, summer vacation, etc.

Social insurance

Joined employee health insurance (Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association), Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance
※Subscribe if you meet certain requirements.


Passive smoking measures: Non-smoking on the premises
※Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.


Fiscal year appointment staff stipulated in Article 22-2 of the Local Public Service Act

Employment period

From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026

(If you have a term until the end of the fiscal year and have the same job from the beginning of the fiscal year in the following fiscal year, you may be re-appointed after demonstrating your abilities. (Up to 4 times from recruitment)

Application period

From Friday, February 21, 2025 to noon on Thursday, February 27, 2025 (must arrive)

Number of recruitment


How to apply

Please submit the following documents to the Children and Families Support Division Tsuzuki Ward   by mail or bring them by the deadline.

(1) Documents to be submitted
・Fiscal year appointment staff application (first style) (PDF: 1,576KB)
・Copy of childcare card
(If you are expected to register as a nursery teacher by March 2025, please submit it after registration. In addition, even if you pass the selection, you will not be able to recruit if you cannot register as a nursery teacher. If it is found after recruitment that you could not register, we will cancel the recruitment. )
※You can download the application form from the link above or hand it over to the 24th window on the 2nd floor of the Tsuzuki Ward   Office.

(2) Submission deadline
Noon on Thursday, February 27, 2025 (must arrive)

(3) Submission method
Mail or bring
※If you bring it, please submit it from 8:45 to 17:00 during the application period.
※In the case of mailing, please treat it as "specific record" or "registered registered mail" for reliable receipt.
※Documents submitted will not be returned.

(4) Submission address
In the case of mailing: 〒224-0032
32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
To Children and Families Support Section Tsuzuki Ward   Children and Families Support Division
In case of bringing: 24th window on the 2nd floor of the Tsuzuki Ward   General Government Building

Selection schedule

  1. Interview selection: Scheduled to be held on the afternoon of Friday, February 28, 2025)
  2. Pass / fail communication: Results will be notified from early March 2025.

Those who have passed the interview screening will be asked to visit physical checkup. (Schedule will be notified separately.)
In addition, when budget in 2025 is not voted in Yokohama-shi assembly, it may not be adopted even if we pass selection.

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Inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-948-2472

Phone: 045-948-2472

Fax: 045-948-2309

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 524-398-939

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