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Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Liaison Council

Last updated on August 26, 2021.

In fiscal 2021, the Standing Council of the Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Liaison Council was held.

About Disaster Countermeasures Liaison Council

This council was established for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of disasters in Aoba Ward, emergency procedure, recovery measures and the spread of damage.
In order to strengthen cooperation among related organizations and share information on disaster prevention and antidisaster measure regarding disaster response and disaster prevention initiatives in Aoba Ward, we hold a standing council with related organizations every year.

Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Liaison Council Establishment Guidelines (PDF: 309KB)

2021 Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Liaison Council Standing Meeting Materials

The Standing Council for FY2021 was held in writing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.
The report items at the Standing Council are as follows (1) to (3).

(1) Establishment of the Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters and Disaster Situation in FY2020 (PDF: 267KB)
(2) Business report of disaster drill, various meetings, etc. in FY2020 (PDF: 418KB)
(3) FY2021 Aoba Ward Disaster Countermeasures Project Implementation Plan (PDF: 247KB)

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Aoba Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-978-2211

Phone: 045-978-2211

Fax: 045-978-2410

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Page ID: 973-912-079

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