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measures for people who cannot return home

Last updated on October 3, 2022.

people unable to return home temporary accommodation facility

Currently, Aoba Ward has designated 11 temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home in the event of a disaster.

people unable to return home temporary accommodation facility (as of October 2022)
Station nameName of the facilityDistance and time from the station
Tama-Plaza StationKokugakuin University
Tama Plaza Campus
About 300 meters walk 4 minutes
Tamaplaza TerraceAbout 160 meters walk 2 minutes
Azamino Station
(Tokyu/Municipal Subway)
Yamauchi District CenterAbout 200 meters walk 3 minutes
Art Forum AzaminoAbout 400 meters walk 5 minutes
Eda StationShinagawa Joint Funeral Festival Co., Ltd.
City Hall Eda
About 200 meters walk 3 minutes
Ichigao Stationpublic hall AobaAbout 700 meters walk 8 minutes
Green Corporation HallAbout 450 meters walk 5 minutes
Fujigaoka StationFujigaoka District CenterAbout 450 meters walk 5 minutes
Aobadai StationAobadai ForumAbout 150 meters walk 2 minutes
Tana StationAoba Ward Citizens Exchange CenterAbout 50 meters walk 1 minute
Kodomonokuni StationChildren's Country (facilities in the park)
About 400 meters walk 5 minutes

※ What is the temporary accommodation facility in people unable to return home?

This facility will temporarily accept people who are unable to return home in the event of a disaster such as major earthquake. In addition to rest areas, we will provide toilets, information and drinking water to the extent possible.

※ people unable to return home temporary accommodation facilities in the city

Please refer to measures for people who cannot return home (General Affairs Bureau page).

Video on the opening and operation of temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home

This is a training video on the opening and operation of temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home.
We have established basic procedures and operation methods for temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home.
Please use it for training at the facility.

Video on people unable to return home Temporary Stay Facility Management (YouTube) (outside site)

Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-978-2211

Phone: 045-978-2211

Fax: 045-978-2410

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 984-670-514

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