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For those affected by the typhoon

Those who have been damaged by the typhoon can receive the following relief and support systems by submitting a “Disaster Certificate” to the counter in charge such as the ward office. . For more information, please contact the person in charge.

Last updated on January 16, 2024.

Procedures at the Aoba Ward Office

★ This is a relief and support system for the Aoba Ward Office. For more information, please contact us.

Contact Office, etc.

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Overview of Procedure

Affliction certificate

General Affairs Division Disaster Prevention Officer
(Window 71 on the 4th floor)
※Investigations on damage to damaged houses will be conducted at the ward office Tax Division, and issuance of a certificate of damage will be conducted at the ward office Family Registry Division.


The affliction certificate is a certificate of damage caused by fires and natural disasters (house damage, flood above floor level, etc.)

This certificate contains the degree of damage caused by the disaster. You can issue the required number at any time for each submission destination. Please contact us in advance when applying.
Property tax and city planning tax
Reduction of taxes (land and houses)
Tax Division House Manager
(No. 50 on the 3rd floor)
978-2254~7 Damage to houses, etc. 1/10 or more The tax amount will be reduced according to the degree of damage. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Tax Division Land Section
(No. 51 on the 3rd floor)
978-2248~51 Those who have been damaged by landslide, landslides, etc.
Those whose annual harvest has decreased by more than 2/10 on farmland
Reduction and exemption of city prefectural tax Tax Affairs Division
City Tax Section
(No. 55 on the 3rd floor)
978-2241~3 Loss or damage of homes or household goods 3/10 or more
However, this excludes the amount covered by insurance claims.
Collection deferral of city tax Tax Division Tax Receipt Section
(No. 59 on the 3rd floor)
978-2275~8 Those who have difficulty paying or delivering at one time We may postpone collection of city tax
Reduction of insurance premiums for National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance and Medical System for Elderly Seniors Insurance & Pension Section
National Health Insurance Section
(No. 28 on the second floor)
978-2335~6 Those who have suffered more than 20% of property such as houses due to storms and floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. We will reduce insurance premiums according to the degree of damage.
Postponement of premiums for National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance and Medical System for Elderly Seniors Those who cannot pay at one time due to damage from storm and flood damage, fire, earthquake disaster, etc. You may be deferred to collect insurance premiums.
Reduction and exemption of partial contribution of National Health Insurance Insurance & Pension Section
National Health Insurance Section
(No. 27 on the second floor)
978-2337~8 More than half-burned half-burned For a certain period of time, a part of the hospitalization fee (limited to before payment) is exempted.
Reduction and exemption of partial contributions to the medical system for elder senior citizens Households whose damage to houses, etc. is more than 3/10 of its value and whose income is less than a certain level medical expenses's partial contribution will be reduced for a certain period of time.
Reduction of user burden of The Long-term Care Insurance More than half-burned half-burned The Long-term Care Insurance's user burden is exempted for a certain period of time.
Exemption from National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) premiums Insurance & Pension Section
National Pension Plan Section
(No. 30 on the second floor)
978-2331~2 Damage of approximately 1/2 or more of property price Exemption from insurance premiums when housing, household goods, or other property are damaged by a disaster.
Exemption from user burden of disability welfare services for a certain period of time Elderly and Disabled Support Division
Support for Persons with Disabilities
(No. 34 on the second floor)
978-2453 Persons with disabilities who are determined to be paid belonging to households that have suffered more than half-burned or partially destroyed The user's burden may be reduced for a certain period of time.
Reduction of childcare fees for nursery schools Children and Families Support Division
In charge of childcare
(No. 37 on the second floor)
978-2428 More than half-burned or partially destroyed, flood above floor level Childcare fees are exempted for a certain period of time.
Mother and child, father and son widow welfare fund loan business (housing fund) Children and Families Support Division
Children and Families Support Section
(No. 37 on the second floor)
978-2457・2459 Maternal and child father and son widow households who lost their homes and homes due to a disaster You may receive a loan.
Support for disinfection Health Sanitation Division
Environmental Sanitation Section
(No. 62 on the 3rd floor)
978-2465~6 Households on the floor and flood under floor level We will accept consultation on disinfection methods, etc.

Other items handled by government offices

★ Other than the ward office, there is also a relief and support system. For more information, please contact us.

Contact Office, etc.

Contact person in charge

Contact information



Overview of Procedure

Reduction of general waste disposal fees Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Aoba Office 975-0025 Fire, natural disasters, etc. When survivors owns waste generated by fire, etc., the waste disposal fee will be reduced. After obtaining the affliction certificate, please consult with the collection office of each ward in advance.
Temporary use of Municipal Housing Housing and Architecture Bureau
Municipal Housing Division
671-2923 For those who have lost their homes (more than half destroyed), the temporary use of Municipal Housing may be permitted.
The period during which temporary use is permitted shall be within three months, and the house usage fee during that period shall be exempted.
I need a certificate of sickness, resident certificate. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Reduction of water charges Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center 847-6262 For households and offices damaged by heavy rain on September 3, Typhoons No. 15, No. 19 and No. 21, we will change the conventional requirements and implement special reduction and exemption measures such as water rates. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Consultation on Management of Small and Medium Enterprises Economic Affairs Bureau Finance Division 671-2592 We accept various consultations such as management and financing of small and medium-sized businesses.
Miscellaneous loss Green Tax Office 972-7771 You can reduce all or part of your income tax.
Reduction of prefectural tax (personal business tax, real estate acquisition tax) Green Prefectural Tax Office 973-1911 You can reduce all or part of it.
Reduction of motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei) motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei)
Management Office

Others (Exemption money, etc.)

★ Other than the ward office, there is also a relief and support system. For more information, please contact us.

Contact Office, etc.

Contact person in charge

Contact information



Overview of Procedure

Excursion money Ward office Health and Welfare Division
(No. 64 on the third floor)
978-2433 Fire, natural disasters, etc. For those who have suffered a certain amount of damage (examine the status of damage and certify the target person), we will give excursions etc. For more information, please contact the person in charge.
Aoba Ward
Japan National Council of Social Welfare
Life welfare fund loan Aoba Ward
Japan National Council of Social Welfare
972-8836 Low-income households (with income standard) Loans will be provided if you lose your home, household goods, or household goods due to a disaster.
(The loan will be reviewed.)
Please attach and submit the certificate of affliction and the estimate of necessary expenses within 6 months after the affliction. (Please ask the person in charge in advance for income standards and application methods.)

★In addition, there are various other systems related to support survivors. For details, please refer to the outline of various systems related to support survivors in Yokohama City.

Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Office General Affairs Division (Disaster Prevention)

Phone: 045-978-2213

Phone: 045-978-2213

Fax: 045-978-2410

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Page ID: 454-701-703

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