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Survey Quarterly Report No. 159

Last updated on July 2, 2024.

Survey Seasonal Report No. 159, Special Feature / Educational Reform in Yokohama (issued in September 2006)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 159 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Feature: Educational Reform in Yokohama (PDF: 119KB)


《1》 Children, schools and education in a new era


1. To regain the origins of education (PDF: 1,226KB)

Yoshiya Kosuke


2. Today's Children and Bar Charity-In Search of "Child Citizens"-(PDF: 1,172KB)

Naoki Ogi


《2》 What is the "scholastic ability" required for children living in the 21st century? (PDF: 1,150KB)

Keiji Kato


《3》 Yokohama Educational Reform Council


1. Development of "Yokohama Education Reform Conference Final Report" and "Yokohama Education Vision" (PDF: 447KB)

Board of Education Secretariat Education Policy Division


2. Looking back on the Yokohama Educational Reform Conference (PDF: 1,216KB)

Sachio Fukuda


《4》 Initiatives of Municipal Schools


1. Elementary school English practice "English and Nakayoshi" (Tateno Elementary School, Naka Ward) (PDF: 1,345KB)

Kazuhiro Miura and others


2. Aiming to foster communication skills and improve PISA-type reading comprehension-animasion-(Aoba Ward Satsukigaoka Elementary School) (PDF: 1,281KB)

Masahiko Watanabe
Tomoko Nakagawa


3. Taking advantage of the tradition of comprehensive learning: Establishment of elementary school student Coordinator and Comprehensive Learning-(Minami Ward Hie Elementary School) (PDF: 1,165KB)

Masayuki Matsunaga
Yoichi Suzuki
Naoki Goto


4. Enhancement of guidance according to individuals-Efforts for small-group guidance and learning by proficiency level-(Isogo Ward / Negishi Junior High School) (PDF: 1,332KB)

Junko Nakazato
Minoru Saito


《5》 Promotion of school evaluation and reform of educational administration


1. Promotion of education based on grasp of the actual situation of child and solid data-Utilization of Yokohama-shi learning situation investigation-(PDF: 956KB)

Hidero Ando


2. Promotion of school evaluation of Yokohama-shi-approach such as school evaluation research promotion schools-(PDF: 862KB)

Hisaaki Negishi


3. Improvement of teacher skills, education training and improvement of teacher skills-improvement of individual skills and demonstration of team power-(PDF: 1,209KB)

Tohru Fujima


3. Bet in the age of improvement of teacher skills and mass recruitment of teachers (PDF: 536KB)

Naoki Kamei


Column ・ Tozuka High School's “Exchange Room” Initiatives / To solve the mental problems of students (PDF: 571KB)

Naomi Takeuchi


Mini Special Feature / Administrative Evaluation in Yokohama City


《1》 "Yokohama-type administrative evaluation system" (PDF: 1,628KB)

Kenji Washizu


《2》 Practice examples in the ward so far


1. (PDF: 623KB) About reform of Izumi Ward citizen meeting-ward office work business evaluation by inhabitants of a ward-(PDF: 623KB)

Hidekazu Shoji


2. "Midori Ward Main Business Evaluation"-Reflect voice of inhabitants of a ward in ward administration-(PDF: 522KB)

Daisuke Moriya
Shigeki Kono


3. About "Isogo Ward inhabitant of a ward satisfaction survey" (PDF: 579KB)

Masayoshi Hibino
Kazumi Matsui


Report from Yokohama Conference


2nd Policy Research Presentation Collaboration Research Results Report
Research on evaluation systems such as monitoring of designated manager facilities (PDF: 1,255KB)

Shigeki Okutsu


2nd Policy Research Presentation Collaboration Research Results Report
Research (PDF: 1,196KB) on a business model for creating a familiar activity base using vacant stores, vacant houses, and public facilities

Mutsumi Saito


Voluntary Research Report


1. "What is the way to make public property sleeplessly?" (PDF:1,092KB)

Hisaya Katayama
Akira Ehara


2. Continent meetings lead to basic skills-Record of the regular meeting for 9 years-(PDF: 1,002KB)

Takamoto Jouchi


3. Efforts for Totsuka Ward Dementia Prevention Activities in Collaboration with Residents (PDF: 1,005KB)

Hiromu Yamamoto


Survey quarterly report total table of contents 156-158 (PDF: 423KB)


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