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Survey Quarterly Report No. 174

Last updated on July 1, 2024.

Survey Seasonal Report No. 174, Special Feature / Open data that opens up the future of local governments (issued in March 2014)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 174 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage
Special feature ・ Open data to open up the future of local governments (PDF: 685KB)--
《1》 Interview with experts: Future Society Open Data Opened by Open Data (PDF: 939KB)Hiroshi Komiyama
Kazumi Kobayashi


《2》 Roundtable: Yokohama's Information Strategy and Open Data (PDF: 955KB)Masahiko Shoji
Hiroki Sugiura
Rena Ryuji
Takashi Suzuki


《3》 Open Data Initiatives in the Country--
1. Initiatives for Open Data in the Cabinet Secretariat-Aiming for the World's Most Advanced IT Nation-(PDF: 3,627KB)Yoshinobu Hayata20~23
2. Initiatives for Open Data by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (PDF: 1,206KB)One tree24~25
3. Initiatives for Open Data by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (PDF: 1,445KB)Takanori Miyazato26~27
《4》 Initiatives and Challenges for Open Data in Yokohama--
1. Promotion of Open Data in Yokohama: Its Significance and Purpose (PDF: 949KB)Masayuki Sekiguchi28~31
Development of guidelines for promotion about Yokohama-shi open data (PDF: 993KB)Editorial Department32~33
2. Create a foundation for open data (PDF: 1,575KB)Tomoyuki Misono
Yuki Ota
2-2.Regional information infrastructure utilizing GIS (PDF: 959KB)Masataka Hayashi38~39
3. How to promote the use of open data in collaboration with the private sector (PDF: 948KB)Masayuki Sekiguchi
Naoki Ueno
4. Innovation brought about by diversity x technology - Kanazawa nurturing navigating. net(PDF:1,305KB)Kiyoka Ishizuka44~47
《5》 Open Data Initiatives in Overseas and Other Citys--
1. Overseas Open Data Initiatives (PDF: 3,135KB)Masahiko Shoji
Tomoaki Watanabe
2. Data City Sabae's Initiatives-Citizen Leaders, Town Development for Citizen Collaboration-(PDF: 1,254KB)Taiichi Makita52~53
3. Necessity of cooperation between local governments in open data (PDF: 1,761KB)Kohei Miki


<Column> Yokohama International Open Data Day 2014 (PDF: 862KB)Yokohama Open Data Solution Development Committee56~57
Basic knowledge of open data to answer questions of staff (PDF: 892KB)Editorial Department58~61
《6》 Staff Roundtable: Open Data and New Administrative Forms (PDF: 917KB)Yuki Ota
Taichi Kawai
Atsushi Iwashita
Fumiaki Shintaku
Yumi Ishii
Mitsuko Jutori


Post-paste (PDF: 783KB)--
Total Table of Contents (PDF: 649KB)--

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