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Survey Season Report No. 73

Last updated on July 3, 2024.

Survey Seasonal Report No. 73, Special Feature / Asian City and Yokohama (issued in March 1982)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 73 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Feature: City in Asia and Yokohama


1.Relationship with Asia


(1) laurel forest: Nature in Yokohama and Southeast Asia (PDF: 519KB)

Hiroshi Kawase3~7

(2) Living in the Philippines-Experience of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (PDF: 340KB)

Toshiaki Kishi8~10

2.Asia in Yokohama


(1) "Asia Recognition" in citizen composition (PDF: 396KB)

Junichiro Kida


(2) Asian people living in Yokohama (PDF: 694KB)

International Exchange Research Group


3.What is the city problem in Asia?


(1) Perspectives of Asian Citys (PDF: 459KB)

Hiroshi Tanabe


(2) Asian cities - What to learn from Asian cities (PDF: 638KB)

Koichi Nagashima


4.Current status of cities in Asia


(1) Bangkok Krontoi Slum - My Volunteer Activities (PDF: 473KB)

Misako Iwasaki29~32

(2) Urban housing (squatter slum) and residential policy (PDF: 743KB)

Toshimi Oka33~37

(3) Traffic problems in Asian cities (PDF: 724KB)

Katsutoshi Ota38~44

(4) Between cities in the Third World (PDF: 570KB)

Shigeru Iijima44~48
5.How do you see cities in Southeast Asia (PDF: 581KB)Toru Yano


6.Thinking of Japan and Yokohama in Asia--
(1) Early childhood spent in Thailand-Letter to Eck <Citizen's Composition Part 1> (PDF: 300KB)

Noriko Fujimoto


(2) Map in me ・ Japan and Orient and <Citizen's Composition Part 2> (PDF: 212KB)

Umi Sawa


(3) Asia and I - Burma and My Thirty Years <Citizen's Composition 3> (PDF: 342KB)

Yasuko Dobashi


(4) International exchange at the urban level. In holding the United Nations Asia-Pacific City Conference (PDF: 541KB)

Shigeyuki Okabe


(5) Asia and Japan (PDF: 403KB)

Shunsuke Iwasaki


Administrative research--
From public information paper "survey about" public information Yokohama "" that editor talks about (PDF: 662KB)"Survey on" Public Relations Yokohama "" project team70~76
Introducing the new book. Comparison of Japanese salaried workers (PDF: 106KB)Osamu Tominaga77

Municipal administration diary. November 1956-January 1957 (PDF: 251KB)



Reader's Page (PDF: 120KB)-


Survey quarterly report total table of contents 69-72 (PDF: 118KB)


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