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Survey Season Report No. 40

Last updated on July 3, 2024.

major earthquake’s Measures and Anxiety (December 1973)


Survey Seasonal Report No. 40 Contents [PDF version]
Name of articleName of the authorPage

Special Feature: Measures and Anxiety at major earthquake


1.major earthquake always comes (PDF: 422KB)

Tsuneji Rikitake2~11

2.Urban Disasters and Cars (PDF: 301KB)

Kitao Abe


3.Remarks to earthquake countermeasure, Yokohama


Part 1. Anxiety from the View of Citizens (PDF: 380KB)

Rikuo Uchiyama


2. Anxiety from the Viewpoint of Researchers (PDF: 292KB)

Murakami Shonao


4.Problems in earthquake countermeasure, Yokohama


1. Current stage and problems of earthquake countermeasure (PDF: 577KB)

Dokuko Tetsusei35~45

2. One Consideration in earthquake countermeasure (PDF: 370KB)

Koji Takahashi46~52

3. Urban Disaster Prevention and the Role of Roads - Mainly as measures against evacuation route in the event of a major earthquake (PDF: 432KB)

Katsumi Miyawaki53~59

Part 4. Think about the creation of a disaster prevention city (PDF: 302KB)

Yoshio Tashiro60~66
Administrative research--
Relative risk assessment and consideration for large earthquake fires in dense urban areas (PDF: 852KB)Katsumi Miyawaki67~77
Administrative materials--

Foreign Disaster Prevention and Civil Organizations-Focusing on Switzerland (PDF: 177KB)

Dokuko Tetsusei


Introduction of New Books / Great Kanto Earthquake <Akira Yoshimura> (PDF: 64KB)

Takefumi Ikeda


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