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- 2024
- NO.11 "Homogaya inhabitant of a ward festival" was held in 2024.
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NO.11 "Homogaya inhabitant of a ward festival" was held in 2024.
Last updated on November 14, 2024.
On Saturday, October 19, on a sunny day when the autumn breeze blows through comfortably, the "Hodogaya Kumin Festival" was held at Hodogaya Park.
This year's "Hoshigaya Ward People's Festival" was attended by many people, from children to the elderly, on a scale larger than last year. . In addition to opening delicious food and fun games by more than 120 groups, a performance by the Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra, a mascot show such as Sanyan and Furimaru, an e-sports experience corner, etc. were planned and excited Was.
Greetings at the Opening Ceremony
Radio exercises
State of the venue
Brass quintet by Kanagawa Philharmonic
The 3rd District Competition Tug of War Tournament
e-sports experience corner
Toward the 100th anniversary of the constituency system in 2027, the official mascot character of Hodogaya Ward was voted on at the venue. In addition, the 3rd district competition tug-of-war tournament was held, and the 7 districts participated, and the central district won the third consecutive victory. We would like to make it even more exciting, so we look forward to your participation in many districts.
Thank you very much to the executive committee, store owners, and everyone who came to prepare for this event.
November 2024 Director General Hiroshi Jinbu, Hodogaya
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