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About Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations subscription promotion video

We have created a Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations subscription promotion video in Civic Affairs Bureau, so please take a look. Video data can also be handed over, so please use it for each Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations subscription promotion activity.

Last updated on October 17, 2022.

Details of the video

Title Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations subscription promotion video "What you can do for this town"

I depict the interaction through Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations activities.
You can see it from the Yokohama City Official YouTube "Yokohama Channel".
In Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, you can also link to the organization's website.

Provision of video data

[Example of use]
・You can link (embed) to each Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations homepage.
・You can play videos at local events.

[Video type]
・15 seconds (horizontal type, voice / telop available)
・15 seconds (vertical, voice and telop available)
※The contents are the same for both vertical and horizontal.

[Provided method]
Please fill out the application form and submit it by e-mail. We will provide you with video data.
Submission: [email protected] (Isogo Ward Regional Promotion Division)

For other details, please refer to the following guide.

You may need a separate PDF reader to open a PDF file.
If you do not have it, you can download it free of charge from Adobe.
Get Adobe Acrobat Reader DCTo download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-750-2391

Phone: 045-750-2391

Fax: 045-750-2534

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 685-536-501

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