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- Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
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Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
Last updated on May 17, 2024.
Isogo Ward is home to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in 164 (as of April 2024) and is home to many residents.
About Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
What is Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations?
Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations is a voluntary organization that seeks to create a rich and livable city while deepening ties with people living in certain areas such as towns and chome to solve local problems and promote friendship among residents.
By actively participating in the activities of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, we can promote the development of a more comfortable city.
Page of City of Yokohama, Civic Affairs Bureau Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
What is the District Union Neighborhood Associations?
The Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Group of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, which is composed of Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association, which is mostly composed of junior high school districts, is called the Neighborhood AssociationsNeighborhood Associations districtNeighborhood Association.
About Isogo Ward Union Neighborhood Presidency
The Isogo Ward Association of Neighborhood Associations is an organization organized by representatives of each district Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations. Isogo Ward has nine regional associations of Neighborhood Associations.
The Federation of Districts promotes regional promotion by actively participating in local events such as information exchange between the district federation Neighborhood Associations, information exchange with the ward office and other government offices, residents' festivals and greetings exchanges.
Isogo Ward Association Neighborhood Association homepage (outside site)
Guide to Isogo Ward Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Activities
We have created a Guide to Activities, which includes basic matters related to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations. Please refer to the following page.
About video introducing Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
We have created an introduction video of Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association for the purpose of promoting the participation of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations. Please take a look.
Configuration of Video
- Overview of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
- Activities of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
- Interview on disaster prevention activities
- How to join Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations or establish Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
- Introduction of commission committee members
There are two versions of the introduction video of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, the subscription promotion version and the establishment guide version.
2 The configuration of the version is common except for the subscription guidance and establishment guidance.
Both versions are about 10 minutes long.
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Inquiries to this page
Isogo Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division
Phone: 045-750-2391
Phone: 045-750-2391
Fax: 045-750-2534
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 617-137-878