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Application for subscription to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Isogo Ward has 165 Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations (as of April 2022), and is engaged in a variety of community-based activities. Join Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, where you live, and participate in creating a richer and more livable city.

Last updated on March 15, 2023.

To join Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Procedures for joining Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations are carried out at each Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
Please apply directly to an officer of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in your area or submit an application form for joining the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations to the ward office. The application form submitted to the ward office will be given to the relevant Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

[Submission of Application Form]
・E-mail : [email protected]
・Mail or bring : 3-5-1 Isoko-ku, Yokohama Isogo Ward Office Regional Promotion Division (61st floor, Isogo Ward Office, 6th floor)
・FAX : 045-750-2534

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Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-750-2391

Phone: 045-750-2391

Fax: 045-750-2534

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 617-320-919

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