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Flowers and plants in Yokohama

Last updated on November 20, 2024.




The production of flowers and plants is also thriving in Yokohama!

Since the opening of the port, Yokohama has been an import window for foreign products and an export window. For this reason, the production of flowers and plants has been active for a long time, and many flowers and plants are still produced today.

Did you know? In Yokohama, flower production is thriving







These flowers are just a few of the flowers produced in the city. In addition, various flowers are actively produced.
(Refer to 2006 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Statistics)

"Flowering Exhibition"

Every year, from late November to early December, we hold a "Hanaki Exhibition" to display Yokohama flowers, such as cyclamen and flower pots made by flower producers in the city.
In particular, cyclamen and Pansy are top-level in terms of production and production technology, and have won the top prize in many fairs, including local fairs.

The 53rd Yokohama Flower Exhibition-Yokohama Flower Festival to Color Winter-

The 53rd Yokohama Flowering Exhibition will be held at the City Hall Atrium. For more information, please refer to this page.

State of Yokohama Flower Exhibition

The 49th Yokohama Flower Exhibition was held at the Yokohama City Hall Atrium, where colorful flowers made by producers in the city competed for their beauty. Please take a look at the screening and general exhibition from the exhibition.

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