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Koyama Farm Koichi Koyama (Niwa-cho, Kohoku-ku)
Challenged farmers who take on the challenge of eating out and processing mainly in Komatsuna production
Last updated on January 20, 2023.
Challenged farmers who take on the challenge of eating out and processing mainly in Komatsuna production
We want to provide fresh vegetables by taking advantage of the close proximity to the consumption area. Komatsuna is cultivated throughout the year!
We try to put out what is in good condition as much as possible, and to reduce pesticides so that you can eat with peace of mind. In addition to running a restaurant saying, "I want to create a place that connects farmers and consumers," we are also working on making processed products such as frozen smoothies and dressings.
It's a pleasure and rewarding to buy vegetables and return home, saying that it's delicious to sell directly and see the reactions of customers and eat the dishes of their own restaurants.
History of Farming
I started farming in 2011. I worked for a company other than agriculture, but what do you make? I was attracted to being able to decide all the sales methods, etc. myself, and decided to take over the family business, agriculture.
Komatsuna, spinach, paprika, tomato, cucumber, pepper, edamame, sweet potato, potato, broccoli, cauliflower (30 to 40 items per year)
Recommended vegetables
Paprika (red, yellow)
[Harvest time] From the end of July to the beginning of December
[Taste Characteristics] The sweetness increases when heated
[Cooking method] In addition to raw salads, it is also delicious to fry quickly and add them, or to bake with meat.
Where to buy
●JA Yokohama "Hamakko" direct sales place Mel cart Kita
●JA Yokohama "Hamakko" direct sales place Mel cart Kanagawa
Other dealers
●Farmer's dining sozai and vending machine sales at stores (11:00-end as soon as sold out) Until 10:00 p.m.)
Eatable restaurants
●Farmer Dining Sozaiya (Kohoku Ward)
●TSUBAKI Shokudo (Naka Ward)
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Inquiries to this page
Agriculture Promotion Division, Agricultural Administration Department, Green Environment Bureau
Phone: 045-671-2637
Phone: 045-671-2637
Fax: 045-664-4425
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 666-753-386