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Port Business Glossary - too

Last updated on August 5, 2024.

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Japanese-English search (mo)


A small boat that is equipped with a lightweight horsepower engine instead of a hull and has a light structure, strong and high speed is generally called a motorboat. The United States Coast Guard stipulates that all ships except with a steam engine of less than 65 feet are motorboats and are classified as general vessels with longer lengths.
Modal shift
It means the conversion of the form of transportation. In particular, the shift of freight transportation in Japan from trucks to coastal shipping and railways, which are lower pollution and more efficient mass transportation. As part of the resolution of environmental and traffic problems, there is a growing movement to shift trunk freight forwarding to domestic vessels.
Primary contractor
General port transport operators under the Port Transport Business Act
Lifting ground
Quays and Sanbashis are mainly used for loading and unloading bark cargo, and usually have a depth of less than 4.5 meters (small mooring shore).

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