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Port Business Glossary -T-

Last updated on August 5, 2024.

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-


TAA(Trans Atlantic Agreement)
Atlantic route agreement. A consultation agreement formed by 12 non-members of the Atlantic Route Alliance, aimed at stabilizing routes, was approved by the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission on August 31, 1992, and began operations in January 1993. One of the features is (1) the introduction of a vessel belly adjustment system that can freeze up to 25% of space. (2)It is possible to conclude a space charter agreement or equipment exchange agreement between members. As of March 1994, there were 15 members. The European Commission is investigating the legality of the agreement, based on a claim from the European Carrier Organization that it violates the rules of competition.
Tale (a device that combines pulleys and ropes, used to fry heavy objects)
TACT(Tokyo Air Cargo Terminal)
A terminal dedicated to air cargo in Chiba and Baraki. A large terminal that handles cargo handling, storage, and customs clearance of air cargo imported and imported at Narita Airport.
tail gate
(Track) rear tailboard
take over
Take over (work, etc.)
tally man
Inspector (see) checker
tally sheet
Tully Sheet (Documents with the results of the test by the inspector)
tank survey
Tank inspection (inspection performed before loading liquid)
tape measure
Winding scale
tare weight
Tare weight
Price list
T/C(Time Charter)
→Term charter contracts
TDA(Transpacific Discussion Agreement)
Pacific route consultation agreement. In order to stabilize the order of the Pacific route, an agreement was reached on October 16, 1989 to exchange opinions among the leaders of major alliances and foreign carriers operating on the route. There are 13 members: APL, Evergreen, Hanjin, Hyundai, KL, Maersk, MOL, OOCL, Sea-Land, and Yang Ming. I started with it.
Tarpoline (a hatch cover made of waterproof cloth)
Truck driver
technical term
Technical terms
Tender (the state of a ship with a high center of gravity and easy to tilt) and accompanying (injured persons)
Terminal (departure and departure location)
terminal operator
Terminal operators
Ends (contracts, etc.)
territorial water
Territorial waters
Territory, territory
TEU(Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit)
The unit when the number of containers is converted to a 20-foot container. (Mr. FEU)
THC(Terminal Handling Charge)
Carrying fee in the container terminal. It is a surcharged by the European alliance and the Asian relations alliance and agreement, and its name is the same, but its contents are different in Europe and Asia. In the case of European routes, various expenses at container terminals, which were included in the base rate of the alliance, began to be charged as separate charges in each country's currency zone. Asia-related routes are newly introduced charges to cover some of the costs such as terminals and the forwarding of empty containers. In addition, it may refer to the cargo handling fee in a container terminal.
Simbles (wreaths used to make the eyes of cables)
3PL(3rd Party Logistics)
Comprehensively undertake collection, delivery, transportation, warehousing management, etc. in response to requests from manufacturers to outsource logistics operations. For shippers, it has the advantage of being able to concentrate on their main business at lower cost and lower risk than building their own logistics systems from scratch.
Thread, thread
through cargo
Cargo through (cargo not unloaded at the port)
Tier, stage (when stacking cargo)
There was no gaps in close contact (such as cables)
time charter
Periodic vessels (contracts)
(When stacking long ones) tilt
TOFC(Trailer On Flat Car)
A method in which a container is loaded on a chassis. It's also called Vi Guy Bag. COFC
toll road
Toll roads
Upward stick (provided to prevent cargo collapse, etc.)
(e.g. boom) fried
top off
(e.g. on the upper side of the cargo)
topping lift wire
Topping lift (Delick's upper cable)
(A pulling boat pulls a barge, etc.)
towing rope
Tow rope, tow
TP(Tokyo Peil)
tide level, Tokyo Bay. The reference surface of land elevation in Japan. The abbreviation T.P. is used, but this can only be used in Japan. The reference surface for construction of Yokohama Port is TP-1.090.
TPDA(Trans Pacific Discussion Agreement)
Pacific route consultation agreement. Formed in 1988 with the aim of worshiping excessive competition on the North Pacific route and restoring order, 13 major shipping companies, including non-air shipping companies operating on the route, participated. In the first stage, each company has announced that it will cut its fleet by about 10 percent (freezing space).
TPFC(Trans-Pacific Freight Conference of Japan)
Japan-US Pacific Alliance. It is an alliance that has jurisdiction over the west coast of North America and Hawaii, excluding Canada from Japan, and has Intermodal Authority (combined transportation jurisdiction) such as MLB and IPI.
Trace. (If the unload is not found, turn a circular to another port of call to see if it is not lifted by mistake.)
tracked vehicle
Infinite orbital car
Tradenet. An automatic customs clearance system using a computer in Singapore. Government agencies involved in customs clearance operations are connected to related companies, and all applications and approvals required for customs clearance are made through computers 24 hours a day without holidays.
traffic signal
Traffic light
Irregular ship (anti) liner
Transactions and processing
transfer crane
Transfer cranes (large cranes for loading and unloading containers in chassis)
transhipment cargo
Transit cargo
transit cargo
Connected cargo
Transporters (also known as gantry cranes), transport equipment
Driving (the gantry crane moves over the rail)
travel time
Travel time (time required for workers to move between sites)
(stairs) Ground surface of stepping boards and tires
Treatment and treatment of injured persons
An attempt
trim by the stern
Stern trim (the stuttering of the stern is deeper than the draft of the bow)
Adjust (e.g., boom, stuttering, etc.) to make it appropriate.
trip on
(walking on deck, etc.)
Soldier transport vessels
Trouble, (winch, etc.) failure, trouble
A person who wakes up a squirrel
TRS(Terminal Receiving System)
→Uwaya Tomae Receiving System
TSA(Transpacific Stabilization Agreement)
Pacific Route stabilization agreement. An agreement signed by TDA members to stabilize fares. The main point is to freeze a certain amount of space according to the amount of vessel owned, and to collect a fine of $500 per TEU in case of violation, which is reviewed every year. It came into effect on March 5, 1989. As of March 1994, a total of 13 Japanese shipping companies were APL, Evergreen, Hanjin, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai, Maersk, NOL, OOCL, Sea-Land and Yang Ming.
TSCS(Trans-Siberian Container Service)
The name of the service that connects Japan and Bostotinui with container ships, transports container cargo from Bostotinui to the borders of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries by Siberian Railway, and transports far beyond that using modes such as European railways, trucks and ships. It is also called SLB. At present, cargo on this route has dropped sharply due to turmoil within Russia. SLB
→Techno Super Liner
TSR(Trans Siberian Railroad)
T/T(Transit Time)
The number of days required to reach the destination.
TTB(Telegraphic Transfer Buying)Rate
Purchase price of customer telegraphs. Market value when foreign exchange banks buy foreign currency from customers. (Anti) TTS
TTS(Telegraphic Transfer Selling)Rate
Sales of customer telegraphs. Market value when foreign exchange banks sell foreign currency to customers. (Anti) TTB
Tugboat, tugboat
Turnbuckle (used for tightening tien, wire, etc., used for rushing)
TVR(Time Volume Service)
This is an application of the fare form included in the New American Maritime Law along with S / C, and sets cheap fares for specific items after limiting the quantity and period.
Twist lock (brackets for fixing containers at the four corners of the chassis)
two blocks
Two blocks (the more the two pulleys approach, the more they turn the tape and cannot be operated further)
TWRA(Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement)
North America's return fare agreement. Fare Agreements covering ports and inland locations in the United States, Canada, Ports and inland locations in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Siberia, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. Effective January 5, 1985.

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