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Port Business Glossary -D-

Last updated on August 5, 2024.

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-


DAE(Dynamic Asian Economies)
Six countries including Asia NIEs (emerging industrial and economic areas) plus Thailand and Malaysia.
damage survey
Damage appraisal
Dampers (doors that control airflow of ventilation equipment, etc.)
dangerous cargo
Dangerous goods
day labourer
Day laborers
day off
DDC(Destination Delivery Charge)
The cost of transporting a container from a ship arriving at the destination port to a predetermined position in the container yard. (Fees)
dead barge
dead load
Weights (used for derrick load tests, etc.)
dead time
Dead time (when workers are unable to work due to bad weather, etc.)
deadweight scale
Loading weight scale chart (a chart showing the relationship between stuttering, self-weight, cargo weight, etc., which can be loaded according to the condition of the ship.)
deck load(cargo)
Deck cargo
Declaration form (submitted to customs, usually referred to as Dekra)
deep tank
Deep tank (a watertight compartment provided in the ship hold to carry liquid cargo, etc.)
Deformation of tools, equipment, etc.
(Unloading, arrival time, etc.)
Delivery of cargo, etc.
delivery order
Abbreviation D/O. Order (Documents to be issued by the ship company to the captain in exchange for B/L)
Shipyard charges
departure port
Departure destination, destination port (anti) final port
Depot (storage)
despatch money
Early fee (the fee paid by the player to the charterer because the cargo of the ship ended earlier than planned, corresponding to the shipping fee)
detention charge
Tension charge
Remove the cargo from the container. (Anti) vanning
dew point
Dew point (at the temperature at which water drops begin to occur on the metal surface as the temperature drops on the humid ship, damaging the cargo)
DID(Densely Inhabited District)
Population-intensive district. A district concept established to grasp the population of a substantial urban area, regardless of administrative area. It was set from the 1960 census.
It is also called unload, and offload.
Differences (such as claims)
(what is biting off)
(The hatch lid is off the fixed place)
Decompose machinery such as winches
dispatching hall
Arrangement place (a building where workers gather and depart for the workplace)
Distribution, distribution (documents, etc.)
D/O(Delivery Order)
Order for delivery. Refers to non-distribution documents which the Company instructs the CFS or CY operator to deliver the cargo to the Carrier. Although the ship should be carried out in exchange for B/L, in practice, in response to B/L submissions from the shipper, the ship will issue D/O, and the shipper will present it and actually receive the delivery.
DO(Disolved Oxygen)
The amount of dissolved oxygen. One of the indicators of water pollution. The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is indicated by PPM, and as organic matter increases, dissolved oxygen is also consumed and reduced. In a clean river, it is usually around 7 to 10 PPM.
(For ships, etc.) Arrival (anti) undocking
dock receipt
Kura receipt (san) godown receipt
Dally (a small four-wheeled vehicle carrying luggage)
double dunnage
Double Danage (how to lay the Danage in two steps)
double gang
Double gangs (to load two gangs into one hatch to carry out cargo)
double sling
Double sling (hanging a danage or cargo with a single sling makes it easy to fall off, so hang with two slings. I'm reading it.
double whip
Double whip (how to double the cargo wire when hanging heavy cargo with a delick)
D/R(Dock Receipt)
→Dock receipt
draft A
Bow stuttering
draft F
Stern stuttering
draft survey
Draft Appraisal
Pull the cargo into the wing, etc., drag (stern stuttering is deeper than the bow) (san) trim by the stern
dragging wire
It is also called a pull-in wire, sneaking wire.
Truck transportation fee
A dredging ship
(Tools) Care, (knife) remarking
dry cargo
Dry cargo (non-water cargo)
DST(Double Stack Train)
A train dedicated to two-tiered containers. In IPI transportation, APL and Sea-Land started service, and after 1985, Japanese shipping companies began to operate one after another.
D/T(Displacement Tonnage)
→Wastewater tonnage
due diligence
Considerable attention, natural diligence
Danage, (a long wooden board to protect cargo by laying between deck and cargo or between cargo and cargo to improve stability and ventilation, etc.)
dunnage yard
Danage storage area
dynamic load
Moving load (corresponding to the movement of load, static load)
D/W(Deadweight Tonnage)、DWT
→Number of tons

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