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- Port Business Glossary -E-
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Port Business Glossary -E-
Last updated on August 5, 2024.
-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-
- easy
- Slowly (for example, when moving cargo)
- EATA(Europe Asia Trades Agreement)
- An agreement formed by 18 major alliances and 18 non-members to discuss the stabilization of routes in the East Asia/Asia route.
- E/D(Export Declaration)
- Export declaration form. Documents to be submitted to customs by the shipper to customs for customs clearance of export goods.
- EDI(Electronic Date Interchange)
- Electronic data exchange. Exchange data related to paperwork and commercial transactions between different users directly between computers under a widely agreed standard agreement.
- EDO(Equipment Despatch Order)
- Instructions for delivery of container equipment. Instructions issued by the shipping company to CY operators when lending containers to shippers. As a result, the bunning location, import CY, or container return location are specified.
- EEA(European Economic Area)
- European Economic Area. An economic zone that integrates the EC (European Community) and EFTA (European Free Trade Union) markets. Plans to create a free market for people, goods, money and services between the two Member States. It started in January 1994 except Switzerland. The world's largest unified market with a population of 390 million and a total regional production of 6.9 trillion US dollars (1991 results).
- EFTA(European Free Trade Association)
- The European Free Trade Union. A free trade zone formed in 1960 by seven countries, U.K., Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and Portugal, surrounding EC member states. E-commerce in six member countries was called Inner 6, whereas Outer 7 was called.
In 1973, U.K. and Denmark withdrew and joined the EC, followed by Ireland and Finland. In 1986, Portugal also joined the EC. After that, Austria and Sweden are in the direction of joining the EC and substantially dismantling. - E/L(Export Licence)
- Certificate of export approval. When exporting certain regulated items (diamond rough stones, blood products, waste, nuclear fuel materials, etc.) listed in Appendix 2 of the Export Trade Control Ordinance (Government Ordinance No. 378 of 1949), it will be issued in advance with the approval of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
- electrician
- Electric engineers (occupants in charge of maintenance and repair of ship winches, etc.)
- elevation
- Elevation angle, elevation
- EMA(Eastbound Management Agreement for the North Europe / Asia Trade)
- Fare agreements governing Nordic/Asia routes. From January 1992, the European Alliance will divide its jurisdiction into Japan/Europe, the Far East/Europe, and Europe/Asia, and the EMA will only be responsible for the return of the former European alliance (East).
- employee
- Employees
- employer
- User
- empty out
- (Fry cargo such as trucks and barges) empty
- EMS(European Monetary System)
- European currency system. It was established in 1979 as a fixed exchange rate system in which EU (European Union) member states have a floating exchange rate system in which the range of fluctuations is kept within a certain range, and foreign currencies are subject to a floating exchange rate system. The exchange rate fluctuation between ECUs and member countries, which are common currencies, should be kept within 2.25% above and below, and if the direct market is likely to deviate from this, unlimited market intervention will prevent this.
- end on
- Stand-loading (mounting drums, etc.)
- enterpriser
- Business operators
- entertainment
- Entertainment
- ERI(Equipment Receipt In)
- Container equipment delivery form. Documents that describe the inspection results when delivering containers at CY, sign by the CY operator and the shipper (mainly container port operators) and confirm the shipper.
- ERO(Equipment Receipt Out)
- Container equipment delivery form. Documents in which the shipping company records the inspection results of the container, signs each other with the shipowner, and confirms the delivery when renting an empty container.
- ESC(European Shipper’s Council)
- Established in September 1963 by six countries: U.K., Belgium, France, West Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. It is to promote and support the common interests of shippers of Member States on all issues related to maritime and related complex transportation of goods. Currently, 16 shippers' associations, from Scandinavian countries to Israel, are members.
- ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific)
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission on Asia and the Pacific. The predecessor was ECAFE, established in 1947, and was changed to its current name in 1974. Japan joined in 1954. It was established for the development of the economy and society in Asia, but in addition to its member countries, the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands and Russia are also members. Headquartered in Bangkok.
- ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival)
- Scheduled date and time of arrival of the ship. (Anti) ETD
- ETC(Estimated Time of Completion)
- Scheduled end date and time
- ETD(Estimated Time of Departure)
- The scheduled departure date and time of the ship. (Anti) ETA
- even keel
- Even Keel, equal draft (the bow and stern draft are equal)
- exclusive use
- (Facility) Exclusive use
- exhaust
- Exhaust
- explosives
- Explosives, explosives
- export declaration
- Export Declaration
- export packing
- Export packaging
- export permit
- Export Permit
- ex-ship
- Aboard the ship
- extra labour
- Extra lever (a method of receiving man-hour for shocking, etc.)
- eye
- Eyes (metal equipment with holes provided on deck to fix through wires, shuckles, etc., rings made at the cable end, etc.)
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