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Port Business Glossary - La-

Last updated on August 5, 2024.

-Ah- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - La- --wa-

-Ra- -- -- -- --

Japanese-English Search (La)


liner (liner)
A liner. Ships that operate regularly on a specific route. The cargo carried as a result is referred to as liner (regular) cargo.
※(Public Corporation) Published by the Japan Port Association, “Ports by Numbers 2014”
A tour of the port of call on the route. Or the number of days required for a round trip
Lighter Abord Ship (LASH)
A ship carrying a lighter on board. Measles can be loaded and unloaded directly from the stern to the sea surface. PFEL's rush ship used to call Yokohama Port, but it has already withdrawn.
Rushing (lashing)
In general, cargo is bound by wire, rope, chain, etc. on the vessel to prevent cargo collapse. In the case of a container ship, it means binding the container on the deck with a rush wire, turn buckle, etc.
Landing report
Documents issued by the cargo carrier to the shipping company or shipper, stating the quantity and condition of the cargo when unloading cargo from barge.
Land bridge
Integrated marine and land transportation. Examples include American Land Bridge (ALB) in Japan, Far East, Pacific, Railway, Atlantic, Europe and Canada Land Bridge. In addition, there are MLB (Miniland Bridge) and SLB (Siberialand Bridge), which transport railways to the U.S. Midwest via the West Coast of North America. (Reference) ALB, MLB, SLB

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