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GREEN x EXPO 2027 A symposium will be held two years ago, "Changing from GREEN x EXPO-Living with the Environment-"

Last updated on February 12, 2025.

Press release materials

February 12, 2025

Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau GREEN × EXPO Promotion Section

Chiaki Hasebe

TEL: 045-671-4778

Fax: 045-212-1223

Sunday, March 9th GREEN x EXPO 2027 Two years ago, the symposium "Changing from GREEN x EXPO-Living with the Environment-" will be held as follows.
Masata Emori (Professor, Center for Future Vision Research, The University of Tokyo) will be changed from Yasuaki Hijioka (Director, Center for Climate Change Adaptation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies) to speakers in Part 2.

[Summary of Implementation]

◇Date and time Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 15:00 to 17:00 (opening at 14:30)
◇Venue Tennai Memorial Hall on the Kanto Gakuin University Yokohama Kannai Campus
     (1-1-1, Bandai-cho, Naka-ku)
     2-minute walk from the south exit of Kannai Station on the JR Keihin Tohoku / Negishi Line.
     4-minute walk from Exit 1 of Kannai Station on the Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line  
◇Capacity: 500 (advance application system, free participation fee)
◇Program (title omitted)
  Takeharu Yamanaka (Mayor of Yokohama)
 ≪Part 1 Keynote Speech≫
  Yoshi (Taka) Mari
  (Director of the International Horticultural Expo Association, 2027)
  (Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. (Sustainability))
 ≪Part 2 Panel Discussion≫
  Coordinator  :Yoshi (Taka) Mari
  Panelists (in no particular order): Yasuaki Hijioka, Director, Climate Change Adaptation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
             Sato Rumi (Mi) (Non-Profit Organization NPO Birth Secretary-General)
             Yasuyuki Igarashi (Yasuyuki) (Director, Zero Carbon and GREEN×EXPO Promotion Bureau, Yokohama)

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