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- A new community created by companies and communities-Sanno Mori Heights Mobile Supermarket-
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A new community created by companies and communities-Sanno Mori Heights Mobile Supermarket-
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
In today's “Director General People and Town Exploration” (outside site), we visited a mobile supermarket operated by The Daiei, Inc., which is held every Thursday at Sanno Mori Heights in Sanmaicho.
Sanno Mori Heights has no supermarket nearby, and it seems that daily shopping was a heavy burden for residents, especially the elderly. The mobile supermarket was started to solve these issues, but it was a community where not only shopping but also residents gathered and interacted and started new activities. With the exchange here, radio exercises and knitting meetings have also been held in Heights, which has led to health promotion and local watching.
The mobile supermarket was started with the cooperation and coordination of Daiei Supermarket, local residents, and various other people. I felt great hope and warmth in the local community that was activated by the cooperation of companies and the community.
Daiei Supermarket, with local people
From fresh foods to daily necessities and sweets that have become a hot topic on TV, there is a pleasure that you can pick up and choose.
Refrigerated products and warm products
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