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- How to get disaster information evacuation information
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How to get disaster information evacuation information
In the event of a disaster, we must act based on the latest information. In particular, when storms and floods occur, it is important to obtain the latest information according to the ever-changing situation. Check which means and what information can be obtained according to your environment, and register in advance with your smartphone etc.
Last updated on April 19, 2024.
How to choose a method of obtaining
There are two ways to obtain information: [push type], which allows you to automatically obtain information if you register in advance in advance, and [pull type], which is a means of obtaining information independently. There is. Also, what kind of information is provided depends on the source of the information, so try to register once and select the one that is easy to use while actually checking it.
Index by Information
evacuation warning
- Yokohama City Evacuation Navigation
- Yahoo! disaster information
- Official Twitter (Yokohama / Konan Ward)
- Yokohama City disaster prevention information E-mail
- Konan Ward Safety and Security Information Email
- Emergency Bulletin Mail
- Various homepages
- Data broadcasting using the d button on TV
- Konan Ward Emergency Information Transmission System
evacuation sites Opening Information
- Yokohama City Evacuation Navigation
- Konan Ward Safety and Security Information Email
- Various homepages
- Konan Ward Emergency Information Transmission System
weather information
- Yahoo! disaster information
- Official Twitter (Yokohama / Konan Ward)
- Yokohama City disaster prevention information E-mail
- Data broadcasting using the d button on TV
river water level information
hazard map
Those who often use smartphones
※In addition to the following, there are various apps such as "NHK News Disaster Prevention", so please use them according to your own usage method.
Yokohama City Evacuation Navigation (push type / pull type)
Major information provided: [hazard map] [evacuation warning] [evacuation sites Opening Information]
"Yokohama City Evacuation Navi" is a disaster prevention application created by the conclusion of an agreement between Yokohama City, private companies, and universities.
During normal times, it can be used to check the hazard map and refuge, automatically determine the dangers of where you are, and create a My Timeline.
In the event of a disaster, evacuation information, linked to My Timeline, is a push notification that allows you to check the opened evacuation sites and routes.
Yokohama City Evacuation Navigation Flyer (PDF: 4,665KB)
Yokohama City Evacuation Navi Introduction Page (Details, Installation Method)
Yahoo! disaster information (push type)
Major information provided: [weather information] [evacuation warning]
You can choose which point and what type of information you want to get.
If you set a push notification in advance, you can get information as soon as possible in the event of a disaster.
In addition to information on the evacuation warning issued by Yokohama City and the Konan Ward Office, weather warning such as heavy rain warning and heavy rain forecasts can also be set.
※Please note that evacuation sites information during storm and flood damage may not be linked to the opening information provided by Yokohama City.
Entering Yahoo! disaster information app (external site) (external site)
Official Twitter (Twitter) (push / pull type)
Major information provided: [weather information] [evacuation warning]
There are two official accounts related to Konan Ward: You can get the latest information by following the official account and enabling push notification settings. In addition, even if it is not set in advance, it is also possible to check the distribution information later.
We distribute weather information and disaster information related to the entire Yokohama city.
disaster information, Konan-ku, Yokohama (Konan Ward Office Twitter)
It distributes disaster information emergency information, which is sent from Konan Ward disaster headquarters.
Those who frequently use Internet mail
disaster prevention information e-mail (push type)
Major information provided: [weather information] [evacuation warning] [river water level]
This service distributes various disaster information by e-mail, including emergency announcements from evacuation warning and other countries, as well as information on storms and floods in seismic intensity information and weather warning in the event of an earthquake. By registering your e-mail address in advance, you can receive the latest information by e-mail in the event of a disaster.
It is characterized by the fact that the items of the information to be distributed and the target area can be set according to each request. In particular, "river water level information" can be selected, so it is recommended for those who live in areas subject to flooding.
For details on how to register, please refer to the disaster prevention information E-mail page.
Konan Ward Safety and Security Information Email (push type)
Major information provided: [evacuation warning] [evacuation sites Opening Information]
This service distributes crisis information that is familiar to Konan residents by e-mail.
In addition to the establishment of the Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters in weather warning, we will also distribute vigilance information related to crimes that occur frequently in the ward.
In the event of storm and flood damage, we will also deliver the status of opening and congestion in evacuation sites.
For details on how to register, please refer to the Konan Ward Safety and Security Information Email.
Emergency bulletin mail (push type)
Major information provided: [Earthquake Early Warning] [evacuation warning]
This system provides highly urgent information such as evacuation warning and Earthquake Early Warning from Yokohama City, Japan Meteorological Agency and Fire and Disaster Management Agency via a network of telecommunications carriers. There is no need to register your e-mail address in advance, and e-mails are automatically sent to smartphones and mobile phones in Yokohama City.
※It will be distributed to smartphones and mobile phones in "Yokohama City", so if you are out of Yokohama City, you will receive information about the area instead of the information about Yokohama City.
※Depending on the telecommunications company or model you are using, it may not be supported or settings may be required. For more information, please refer to the following website.
Various homepages (pull type)
Major information provided: [evacuation warning] [evacuation sites Opening Information] [river water level]
In the event of a disaster, disaster information will be posted on the Konan Ward website and on the Yokohama disaster prevention information Portal.
On these pages, you can check the evacuation warning and the opened evacuation sites.
In addition, on the Yokohama Water disaster prevention information page (outside site), you can check the water level of each river in the city and images of the cameras installed.
However, in the event of a disaster, the number of accesses may increase, so it may take some time to display the site, so please prepare to obtain information on other e-mail services etc. .
Those who often watch TV
Data broadcasting by d button (pull type)
Major information provided: [weather information] [evacuation warning]
In addition to watching disaster information broadcast on news programs, you can also check the disaster information on the screen by pressing the "d button" on the TV remote control.
※The configuration varies depending on the channel, so let's try it out.
Those who can use the telephone
Konan Ward Emergency Information Transmission System (pull type)
Major information provided: [evacuation warning] [evacuation sites Opening Information]
When you call the Konan Ward Emergency Information Transmission System (telephone 050-5490-3993), you will automatically hear the latest developments in evacuation warning and evacuation sites. The feature is that even those who cannot use the Internet, smartphones, or e-mail can get the latest information at the timing they want to check.
※This system started operation in December 2021.
※The communication fee will be borne by yourself.
※Information distribution training is conducted several times a year, so you can listen to test messages during the training period.
Scheduled for training in FY2024
June Friday, June 7, 2024 12:00 to Friday, June 14 12:00
Saturday, August 31, 2024 12:00 to Saturday, September 7 12:00
From December Friday, December 6, 2024 12:00 to Friday, December 13 12:00
(If there is a possibility that an event related to a real disaster, such as the announcement by the weather warning during the training period, the training distribution will be discontinued.)
If you notice a broadcast from the speaker
In the event of a disaster, we may carry out patrols by car at fire departments, fire brigade, ward offices, etc., or broadcast disaster information from disaster prevention speakers installed in the ward. However, due to the sound of rain and wind and location, it may be difficult to reach the sound from speakers. If the broadcast is flowing, danger may be imminent, so if you notice the broadcast, try to collect information by other means.
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Inquiries to this page
Konan Ward General Affairs Division in charge of crisis management and regional disaster prevention
Phone: 045-847-8315
Phone: 045-847-8315
Fax: 045-841-7030
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 613-344-344