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Evacuation goods in case of disaster

Last updated on March 31, 2022.

It is important to be prepared on a daily basis for disasters such as major earthquake and storms and floods.
Check the table below to see what you should have and prepare it.

Items taken out in case of emergency
Product name 
Water (let's prepare in cans and plastic bottles that are easy to take out and manage)

Pet potter

MaskWet tissueMedicineLightPortable radioprivate seal and passbookIdentity Confirmation Documents

Simple food such as jelly beverages
Plates and cups made of paper and plastic
Hats, helmets, gloves, whistles

Toilet packs, washbasins, towels, tissues, wet tissues, masks, toothpaste sets

everyday medicine (Let's get a lot of money to prepare for a disaster), medicine notebook
Mobile phones (smartphones), portable radios, flashlights, mobile phones, chargers, batteries
Shopping bags, writing utensils, notepads
Cash (including coins), bankbooks, private seal, securities, etc.
Identity verification documents (driver's license, insurance card, my number card, handbook for persons with disabilities)

Other necessary items tailored to each individual's disability
Folding white cane, portable braille device, enlarged loupe, hearing aid, simple tent, house items, help card

Stockpiling for evacuation at home (ideal for at least 3 days and 7 days)
Product name 

Water (cans and PET bottles)
※Each person needs 3 liters of water per day.

Water and preserved food




Hokkairo, rope, etc.Eyeglasses

Infant supplies

Preserved food such as instant retort food, canned food, dry bread, etc.
※Things that can be eaten without cooking, those that do not require can openers, and those that are used to eating

Toilet pack
※5 times per person per day

Split, fork, spoon, can open, knife, pot, portable gas stove, gas cartridge, gas cassettes
Rain gear such as jackets, underwear, blankets, umbrellas, etc.
Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, sanitizer spray, sanitary products
Cold medicine, stomach medicine, wound medicine, eye drops, disinfectants, gauze, bandages, bandages, triangle bandages

Disposable body warmer, match, lighter, plastic tank, slippers, shoes

Ropes, gum tapes, plastic sheets, rugs, garbage bags, food wrap film, aluminum foil, spare glasses
Others (if there is a small child, infant supplies, etc.)

Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-847-8305

Phone: 045-847-8305

Fax: 045-841-7030

E-Mail address [email protected]

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