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Disaster prevention guide leaflet

Disaster prevention guides and leaflets are distributed at Konan Ward Office General Affairs Division (56th floor on the 5th floor).

Last updated on November 22, 2024.

A picture book

In order to raise awareness of disaster prevention among a wide range of generations, Konan Ward has created picture books for preschoolers (about 5 years old).
We distribute to 5-year-old child of nursery school and kindergarten in ward. It is also distributed at the counter, so please come to the General Affairs Division counter if you need it.
In addition, the answer of 83 Taro hidden is posted in the ehon data below.

Home Evacuation Awareness Leaflet

For details, please refer to the following page.

Konan Ward Disaster Prevention Guide “Junior High School Students” (issued in May 2021)

In order to promote the development of disaster-resistant towns, Konan Ward created a leaflet titled “Konan Ward Disaster Prevention Guide for Junior High School Students” for junior high school students in collaboration with local residents, Konan fire department, Konan Ward Junior High School Principal Association and Konan Ward Office.

Konan Ward Disaster Prevention Guide “Elementary School” (issued in February 2020)

In order to promote the development of disaster-resistant towns, Konan Ward created a leaflet entitled "self support," which protects itself, in collaboration with local residents, Konan fire department, Konan Ward Elementary School Principal Association and Konan WardKonan Ward Office.

advocate Support Pamphlet for Disasters in Konan Ward

Konan Ward distributes three types of pamphlets on disaster prevention for people with disabilities and those who support them.
By cooperation with person with a disability in ward and family, related organizations, ward office, we made reflecting opinion of party.
This pamphlet will be used to promote understanding and awareness of disabilities, as well as to further promote efforts to support the advocate in the event of a disaster, such as through collaborative training with evacuation shelter and Welfare refuge.

evacuation shelter Hygiene Poster during Disaster

In fiscal 2008, Konan Ward created posters for the prevention of infectious diseases and food poisoning during evacuation lives in evacuation shelter and distributed them to each site.
 After that, we revised some of the contents of the poster in 2014 and distributed the poster to the base again to promote enlightenment.
 Evacuation conditions vary depending on the situation of damage, the restoration of public utilities, and the time elapsed since the disaster. Please post posters according to the situation and alert the people of refugee to prevent health hazards.

Disaster Response Book

Disasters do not always occur when family members are together. A public nursery school in Konan Ward has created a "Disaster Response Book" that contains useful information so that you don't have to worry about in case of emergency.
 You can enter what you have discussed with your family on a daily basis and how to check the safety information of your local evacuation sites and children.
 A list of equipment for children is also posted, so please use it. It is a size that can always be carried by putting it in a familiar object such as a wallet or smartphone case.
 ・Disaster Response Book (Excel: 1,712KB)
(How to create)
 1. Input required items
 evacuation sites, evacuation area, evacuation shelter, and the name of the nursery school.
 (The map can be posted below.)
 2.Print on both sides of A4 size paper.
 3.A5 size and fold it into eight.

Disaster / Emergency Response Book

In cooperation with the Konan fire department, we have created a book for dealing with disasters and emergency situations for children who do not attend nursery schools. In addition, as a help to support employment, a handbook that has been proofreaded and printed with the cooperation of Fam Road Hinominami, a type A business establishment for employment continuation support has been completed.
※Disaster and emergency response books are distributed at the Children and Families Support Division Konan Ward Office.

 [Fam Road Hinominami] About it
Business: We perform homepage update work / planning / production, design, handbill update work, printing, folding, posting work.    
Address: 6-14-10, Hinominami, Kounan-ku   
Phone: 045(840)6606 FAX: 045(882)0151

"disaster drill Guide" and "Disaster Prevention Awareness Flyer"

Even in Yokohama City, it is said that there is a risk of a major earthquake occurring in the near future.
In order to prepare for a major disaster and promote safe town development, it is necessary to prepare for home use, as well as self support, as well as to help neighbors in community support. In order to be able to cooperate with each other in an emergency, regular connections and regular training are essential.

In response to questions from Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, "I understand the necessity of community support, but how do I actually act in the event of a disaster?", we created the disaster drill Guide and a flyer for disaster prevention.

In making it, we held working with the inhabitants of a ward and received opinions at the ward association, and proceeded in cooperation with local people. . Also, General Affairs Division, Health and Welfare Division and Konan fire department worked together.

"disaster drill Guide" is useful to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, the first disaster drill, and Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, who is worried about how to implement it. Regarding the community support, we introduce a number of examples of local initiatives through keywords such as watching over, supporting and helping each other. It also includes specific implementation methods for disaster drill and examples of training.

The flyer for disaster prevention awareness is an excerpt of the central contents of this guide and calls on local residents to participate in the disaster drill. For bulletin boards at Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, we distribute two A4 size single-sided prints and A4 size double-sided prints for circulation. (The content is the same.)

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Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division General Affairs Section in charge of crisis management and regional disaster prevention

Phone: 045-847-8315

Phone: 045-847-8315

Fax: 045-841-7030

E-Mail address [email protected]

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