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The text is from here.


Last updated on March 6, 2025.

The latest election

 In 2025, the House of Councilors ordinary election and the Mayor of Yokohama election are scheduled.
 (Elections due to expiration of the term will be held within 30 days before the expiration of the term.)

  • The 27th House of Representatives ordinary election (expiration date: July 28, 2025)
  • Yokohama Mayoral Election (expiration date: August 29, 2025)

Past elections

Electoral list

Number of Registrants

 The right to vote is any Japanese citizen who is 18 years of age or older. However, it is necessary to be registered in the electoral list to vote even if you have the right to vote. Those who are registered in the electoral list are those who have been registered in the Basic Resident Register for at least three months after the resident certificate was created or the transfer notification was accepted.
 There are two types of registration in the electoral list: regular registration in March, June, September, and December, and election registration that determines the base date and registration date for each election.

About reading of electoral list

Reading of electoral list is permitted only for the following three points.

  • When the elector confirms whether the elector has registered himself or the elector of the same household.
  • When a candidate, political party, or other political organization engages in political or election campaigns
  • When a national or local government or an academic institution such as a news agency or university conducts public opinion polls or academic research for public purposes.

 Due to the revision of the Public Office Election Law, the Election Commission will publish at least once a year the name of the applicant for browsing, the target of browsing, the outline of the purpose of use, etc. of the browsing status of the electoral list excerpt.

Election Administration Commission

Polling place

Absentee voting

Bright Election Promotion Council

Links related to elections (other data and systems)

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Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward Election Commission (Statistics and Elections Section Konan Ward, General Affairs Division)

Phone: 045-847-8308

Phone: 045-847-8308

Fax: 045-841-7030

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 785-305-266

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