The text is from here.
2021 edition
We introduce public information Yokohama-shi version which we issued in 2021.
Last updated on April 1, 2024.
Only public information Yokohama-shi version text data after October, 2016 issue, secondary use such as reproduction, copy, redistribution, modification is permitted on condition that indication of source.
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Source: Yokohama City "Public Relations Yokohama ● Year ● Month Issue"
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Public information Yokohama-shi version data (PDF, HTML file) except text data is not open data.
Text data before the September 2016 issue is not open data.
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In order to collect examples of the use of open data and use it for future measures, please use the e-mail address of the Yokohama City Public Relations Division ([email protected]) to the extent that you do not mind. I hope you can let us know.
※The data posted is on page 16. The number of pages may vary depending on the ward version.
Public information Yokohama December, 2021 issue
It is cover of public information Yokohama December, 2021 issue.
PDF version
Text version
- Art Illumination Yorunoyo, a city that intersects in Yokohama at night, an inquiry window for COVID-19 in Yokohama, and an inquiry about vaccination (text file: 4KB)
- COVID-19 infection-related information (text file: 4KB)
- Aiming for a society where each other respects each other and lives together 1 (text file: 4KB)
- Aiming at a society where each other respects each other and lives together 2 (text file: 5KB)
- Hama information (text file: 6KB)
- Hama Information, Public Relations Paper Reading Service Catalog Pocket, both children and adults work together to prevent bullying-Creating an adult network that supports children's independent efforts and the rich growth of children-(text file: 4KB)
- Yokohama Top 10 News Voting is being accepted! "Association of 2027 International Horticultural Exposition" was established-Towards Yokohama of 2027 International Horticultural Exposition-We raise opinions about review such as restricted zones (text file: 2KB)
- INFORMATION New Year's Holiday Information (Text file: 4KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama November, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the November 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Basic knowledge of infection control that you can't hear now! Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination (text file: 4KB)
- We support COVID-19 infection-related information, employment of person with a disability (text file: 5KB)
- Aiming for a society where each other respects each other and lives together 1 (text file: 4KB)
- Aiming at a society where each other respects each other and lives together 2 (text file: 5KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, ethical consumption gift campaign! Salary situation of the city staff (text file: 5KB)
- Recruitment of "Natural electricity together" campaign participants! -The more people participate, the more affordable the electricity bill-Yokohama Senior Communication (text file: 3KB)
- November 10-16, "Alcohol-related issues enlightenment week" Why don't you think about how to interact with alcohol and your health? Let's talk first! Support for the independence of young people with difficulties such as withdrawal, enjoy the taste of the ancient capital in Yokohama Why don't you feel the autumn of Japan at Sankeien? (Text file: 4KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama October, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the October 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Before winter comes…Let's check it out! Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination (text file: 3KB)
- Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 infection about COVID-19 vaccination (text file: 6KB)
- Yokohama green up plan locally grown and consumed Agriculture of Yokohama in living (text file: 1KB)
- Yokohama senior communication (text file: 4KB) pushing forward Yokohama green up plan
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, the latest issue of the quarterly magazine "Yokohama" released (text file: 6KB)
- Summary of 2020 General Account Settlement, Let's Make My Number Card It can be used for online application of various administrative procedures (text file: 3KB)
- October is Food Loss Reduction Month Practice at Home! We invite you to the Yokohama Cultural Award 2021 winner presentation ceremony and commemorative concert (text file: 3KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama September, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the September 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- When a person moves, the corona also moves! Please cooperate in suppressing the spread of infection! Inquiry window of new corona of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination, consultation when there is abnormality in body after vaccination (text file: 3KB)
- Fall is the season of disaster prevention Let's prepare for storms and floods and earthquakes 2021 Yokohama City General disaster drill held & recruit visitors (text file: 3KB)
- Fall is the season of disaster prevention Let's prepare for storms and floods and earthquakes We have opened a website to learn about disaster prevention, and we are looking for fire brigade staff! (Text file: 3KB)
- Satoyama Garden Autumn Flowerbed Opening, Yokohama Senior Communication (text file: 3KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- You can apply for Hama Information, a copy of resident certificate and a family register certificate online! We revised water rate (text file: 6KB)
- Let's confirm the safety of block walls, etc., and call to support the feeling of living, Yokohama Women Entrepreneur COLLECTION 2021 Online Exhibition (text file: 3KB)
- About COVID-19 vaccination (text file: 2KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Changes and cancellations of events published in the September issue
[Special features (2 pages) of the September issue of Public Relations Yokohama]
For the 2021 Yokohama City General disaster drill, which was scheduled to be held on November 7 (Sun), production training was conducted without spectators, and enlightenment and exhibition booths were canceled.
We are very sorry to all those who have been looking forward to it, but we appreciate your understanding.
[Inquiry] General Affairs Bureau Emergency Response Division
Phone: 671-2064
FAX: 641-1677
Public information Yokohama August, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the August 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Let's keep it on a daily basis, if a close friend, a colleague at work, is infected with COVID-19 infection one day? Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination, August 22 Yokohama mayoral election (text file: 3KB)
- About COVID-19 vaccination, about consent of vaccination, confirmation of accurate information that public institutions start (text file: 3KB)
- Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021 (Dance Dance Dance At Yokohamani Marniichi), toward the realization of "Special Autonomous City" (text file: 3KB)
- Yokohama Senior Communication (Text file: 4KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, LUXS FRONT, a commercial facility in Yokohama City Hall, will celebrate its first anniversary (text file: 5KB).
- Ocean Hub Yokohama Virtual Umi Expo 2021, do you know about regional utilization and proper management of vacant houses? Kanagawa Charter for Society to Live Together (Text File: 3KB)
- Deliver information about the city from the official account of Yokohama! Public relations paper browsing service catalog pocket (text file: 2KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama July, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the July 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Don't forget to take measures against infection when you go out such as watching sports! Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination (text file: 4KB)
- About COVID-19 vaccination, supplementary budget about COVID-19 was established in May (text file: 4KB)
- Toward a safe and secure Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games 1 (text file: 2KB)
- For the safe and secure Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2 (text file: 2KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, Yokohama Senior Communication and Residential fire alarm will save you and your family's life (text file: 5KB)
- Interview with experts thinking about Yokohama IR Online distribution, GIGA (Giga) School Initiative Why don't you face the Dowa issue (Buraku discrimination) prejudice and assumptions that learn steadily with one terminal (text file: 3KB)
- Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021 (Dance Dance Dance At Yokohamani Marnyichi) (Text file: 2KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Correction and Apology of the Articles
Correction of "Music Concert for Youth"
There was some change in ticket store of public information Yokohama city version public information Yokohama July issue "Hama information" (event) "music concert for young people Yokohibiki".
The corrections and details of the corrections are as follows.
Ticket dealers for "Hama Information" (event) and "Music Concert for Youth Yokohibiki"
Available at Ticket Kanagawa (Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theater, Kanagawa Kanagawa Pref. Concert Hall) from July 26
Phone: Ticket Kanagawa 0570-015-415
(Merroneous) Sales at Ticketport Yokohama store from July 26
[Reason for Correction]
Ticketport Yokohama store will be closed on July 20 and will be closed.
(1) Yokohama Symphony Orchestra Secretariat Phone: 080-3308-1321
(2) Culture and Tourism Bureau Cultural Promotion Division Telephone: 671-3714
Public information Yokohama June, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the June 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Let's take good measures against infection even in the rainy season hot and humid! Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination (text file: 4KB)
- Regarding COVID-19 vaccination, support capital investment for new business development for business continuity of SMEs-Business continuity and expansion support subsidies (capital investment support type)-(text file: 4KB)
- Let's prepare for storm and flood damage! We start operation from each ward office of disaster prevention speaker (text file: 4KB)
- About Yokohama Senior Newsletter, mobility support system for severely disabled people available from Friday, October 1 (text file: 4KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, Yokohama City Library will support the 100th anniversary of its opening, securing childcare expenses (text file: 6KB)
- My number card special center opens Complete reservation system, recruitment of names for Kitanakadori district north-south deck (tentative name)! We distribute "Yokohama Innovation IR Public Relations Booklet", a new theater symposium vol.3 Culture and Arts x Digital-talk session via online (text file: 3KB)
- Tokyo 2020 Olympic Paralymbique (text file: 2KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
June issue About cancellation of running on public roads Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay
On Friday, June 11, 2021, Kanagawa Prefecture announced its plan to stop running on public roads for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay, based on the infection status in COVID-19.
In addition, with the suspension of running on public roads, traffic restrictions associated with the planned torch relay will not be enforced.
※In place of running on public roads, a torch runner will be held in Aka Renga Soko in Yokohama.
In the future, the Kanagawa Prefectural Executive Committee and the Games Organizing Committee will decide details after consultation.
Correction and Apology of the Articles
About correction of "Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relay is coming to Yokohama-shi"
There was an error in the article (final side) of the public information Yokohama City version June 2021 issue. .
The corrections and correct descriptions are as follows.
Last page "The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relay is coming to Yokohama" article
The name of the park listed on the "Notice of Traffic Regulation" map
(Proactive) Around Mitsuzawa Park to Yokohama Station
(Misconduct) Around Mitsuike Park to Yokohama Station
I apologize and correct it.
[Inquiry] Civic Affairs Bureau Olympic and Paralympic Promotion Division
Phone: 671-3697 FAX: 664-1588
Correction of "Music Concert for Youth"
There was a partial change in the ticket sales period of the public information Yokohama City version June 2021 issue "Hama Information" [event] "Music Concert for Youth Yokohibiki".
The corrections and details of the corrections are as follows.
Ticket sales period for "Hama Information" (event) and "Music Concert for Youth"
Sales at Ticketport Yokohama store from June 17 to July 20
(Merroneous) Sales at Ticketport Yokohama store from June 17
[Reason for Correction]
Ticketport Yokohama store will be closed on July 20 and will be closed.
[Other ticket dealers]
Ticket Kanagawa (Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theater, Kanagawa Kanagawa Pref. Concert Hall)
Phone: 0570-015-415
Available from June 17
(1) Yokohama Symphony Orchestra Secretariat Phone: 080-3308-1321
(2) Culture and Tourism Bureau Cultural Promotion Division Telephone: 671-3714
Public information Yokohama May, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the May 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Once again, let's take measures against infection! Inquiry window of COVID-19 of Yokohama-shi, inquiry about vaccination (text file: 4KB)
- About COVID-19 vaccination, child care household life support special benefit (for single-parent household) payment business for low-income child care household (text file: 3KB)
- We introduce contents of Yokohama-shi that utilized the Internet, let's prevent heat stroke! We have released videos of special talks on Yokohama Innovation IR and interviews with experts (text file: 4KB)
- Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations (text file: 3KB) that helps and supports each other in a livable town.
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- May 14-20, "Gambling and Other Addiction Awareness Week" Why don't you think about gambling addiction? About tax system revision about personal residence tax applied in 2021, the end of Yokohama municipal bus use privilege service, let's take out bicycle insurance in May as "Bicycle Month"! Let's take advantage of the support car subsidy system! (Text file: 4KB)
- About Yokohama Senior Newsletter, toll measures of the Metropolitan Expressway during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (text file: 3KB)
- Japan's largest dance festival Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021 (Dance Dance At Yokohamani Marnyichi) Citizen's advance lottery acceptance period: From Monday, May 17 to Monday, June 7, Garden necklace Yokohama 2021 Yokohama Rose Week opening May 3 (Mon./holiday)-Sunday, June 13 (text file: 2KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama April, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the April 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- During the Garden Necklace Yokohama 2021, the contact window for COVID-19 in Yokohama City, inquiries about vaccination (text file: 2KB)
- About vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine, about closing of medical appointment center such as Kanagawa fever (text file: 4KB) to prevent corona measures in new life, and not to link anxiety to discrimination.
- Digital Government Headquarters was newly established on April 1. This year, Yokohama Garden Necklace Yokohama 2021 (text file: 3KB)
- Yokohama Senior Communication (Text file: 6KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, Dance Festival once every three years From Saturday, August 28 to Sunday, October 17 Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021, Yokohama Marathon 2021 Recruitment of runners, aiming for a new metropolis system "Special Self-Government City" We revised "Yokohama special self-government city university rope" (text file: 5KB)
- Recruitment of "Sunlight in Everyone's Home" campaign participants, which will be cheaper as everyone gathers! 、STOP! Passive smoking Don't smoke around children! In addition, (inclusive) town of all devised Fukumachi guide (town development promotion guideline revised version of Yokohama-shi welfare) from your action (text file: 2KB)
- The 70th anniversary of the opening of Nogeyama Zoo, Yokohama Municipal Transportation celebrated its 100th anniversary. One-day tickets for municipal subways and municipal buses will be more convenient (text file: 3KB).
Public information Yokohama Plus
About event cancellation of publication in public information Yokohama April issue
[Public information Yokohama April issue Hama information page]
The "Zakohama Parade (International Disguise Procession)" scheduled to be held on May 3 (Mon./holiday) has been canceled.
We are very sorry to all those who have been looking forward to the event, but we appreciate your understanding.
[Inquiry] Culture and Tourism Bureau MICE Promotion Division
Phone: 671-4234 FAX: 663-6540
Public information Yokohama March, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the March 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- About inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine (text file: 4KB)
- We summarized budget plan for 2021 (text file: 4KB)
- FY2021 Budget Draft COVID-19 infection Living and Economic Measures, Risks during banquets with drinking and long eating and drinking (Text file: 3KB)
- be prepared for disaster, Yokohama Senior Communication (text file: 3KB) Reviewing once again from Great East Japan Earthquake 10 years
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- school lunch will begin in April in Municipal Junior High School (Text file: 4KB) if you have any questions or concerns about the Hama Information, hospital or clinics.
- Please cooperate in alleviating congestion at the ward Family Registry Division moving window during the spring moving season. The opening period of the temporary application window for My Number Card is until Tuesday, March 30, recruiting new theater symposium participants-Everyone enjoys performing arts ~ (Text file: 4KB)
- Announcement on Yokohama IR The Yokohama-Specific Complex Tourist Facility Installation and Operation Project We have started open call for participants, and we will gradually abolish seal signatures on applications, etc. There are people who are in trouble with new lifestyles, Garden necklace Yokohama 2021 (text file: 3KB) held on March 27.
Public information Yokohama Plus
About article correction of public information Yokohama March issue "about COVID-19 vaccination"
About COVID-19 vaccination published in public information Yokohama city version March issue, as of March 1,
Based on the vaccine supply schedule indicated by the government, the following changes have been made.
<Reference> About vaccine supply to Motoichi
Kanagawa Prefecture is currently adjusting the supply of Pfizer vaccine to Yokohama City at the beginning of April.
It is expected that the amount will be very small compared to the number of target people in Motoichi (the number of elderly people aged 65 and over: about 930,000).
[Initiation of vaccination]
(before change) From April 2021, we plan to start vaccination sequentially from elderly people (those who will be 65 years old or older during FY2021).
(after change) Vaccinations in Yokohama City start with facility vaccinations (elderly facilities, etc.).
Inoculation for elderly people (those who will be 65 years old or older during 2021) until the vaccine supply after April 26 is determined.
We will postpone the implementation.
[Time of shipment of individual notices (including vaccination coupons)]
(before change) We will start shipping to those over 80 years old from late March. By mid-April, we will ship to all people over the age of 65.
(after change) Individual notices (including vaccination coupons) scheduled to be sent from late March will be postponed for the time being.
Thank you for your understanding.
[Inquiry] In charge of vaccination adjustment, etc., Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health and Safety Division
Phone: 671-4841 FAX: 664-7296
The above contents will also be posted in PDF file.
About change about public information Yokohama March issue COVID-19 vaccination (PDF: 268KB)
Public information Yokohama February, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the February 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- About COVID-19 infection (text file: 4KB)
- For realization of "special self-government city", about consultation method of symptom such as cold (text file: 4KB)
- We revise water rate Increase by 12% on average from July 1, 2021 (text file: 6KB)
- Yokohama Senior Communications, school lunch begins in Municipal Junior High School in 2021 (text file: 5KB)
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, Navigate Yokohama to Manabi Yokohama! -We are broadcasting a public relations TV program "Hama Navi" in Yokohama City ~, Yokohama Innovation IR Official Facebook has been opened (text file: 5KB)
- Application for extraordinary special benefits for single-parent households from the country is until Friday, February 26! News about National Health Insurance "Online qualification confirmation" to confirm the enrollment status of medical insurance at some medical institutions will be started sequentially from March, let's think about human rights (text file: 3KB)
- Yokohama Museum of Art will be closed from March due to large-scale renovation work. Don't miss the last exhibition "Trialogue"! Real-size 18m! During "Moving Gundam" exhibition, we had suggestion from "Yokohama-shi new theater maintenance Exploratory Committee" (text file: 3KB)
Public information Yokohama Plus
Public information Yokohama January, 2021 issue
This is the cover of the January 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama.
PDF version
Text version
- Let's go to the shopping street (text file: 3KB)
- Shopping street is full of charm (text file: 3KB)
- About COVID-19 infection living, economic measures (December correction), consultation method of symptom such as cold (text file: 3KB)
- Recycling PET bottles and earn nanaco (Nanako) points! New initiatives to reduce food loss The oversized garbage self-import facility will open in Sakae Ward on Monday, February 1 (text file: 4KB).
- Hama information (text file: 7KB)
- Hama Information, recruitment of participants for switching to electricity that is friendly to the environment and households "Natural electricity together"! News such as city tax deadlines (text file: 5KB)
- Energetic Yokohama through sports! Coloring half a year ago in the Tokyo 2020 Games with a commemorative light-up, "Let's start, ethical consumption in Yokohama!" Present campaign, Yokohama senior communication (text file: 3KB)
- IR (integrated resort) business briefing, 2027 International Horticultural Exposition will be held in Yokohama. About e-mail transmission from City Library, video version "Yokohama Fire Department First Ceremony 2021" YouTube distribution (text file: 4KB)
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Page ID: 883-716-076