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  6. Press Release FY2024
  7. We will hold a forum for housing complex in collaboration with companies! -Rediscover the charm of housing complex~

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We will hold a forum for housing complex in collaboration with companies! -Rediscover the charm of housing complex~

Last updated on January 14, 2025.

Press release materials

January 14, 2025

Housing and Architecture Bureau Housing Reconstruction Division

Ikue Koyahata

TEL: 045-671-4543

Fax: 045-641-2756

While the city of Yokohama has a rich natural environment and a safe walking space, there are many housing complexs that have been built for more than 40 years, including aging buildings, aging residents, withdrawal of shops in the neighborhood and housing complex, and a shortage of local workers.
In this forum, we will introduce examples of initiatives to solve various issues in each housing complex and initiatives to support housing complex in cooperation with companies, and hold exchange meetings with housing complex and companies.
If you want to revitalize housing complex, suffer from a shortage of executive officers, or want to know the companies and systems that support housing complex, please join us.

Press release materials

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