Press release materials
April 12, 2024
Housing and Architecture Bureau Residential Land Examination Division
Satoru Ishii
TEL: 045-671-2907
Fax: 045-681-2435
Based on the mud slide disaster in Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which occurred in 2021, the “Former Residential Land Development Regulation Law” was adopted as the “Regulation Law on Residential Land Development and Specific Embankment Regulation Law (hereinafter referred to as the “Entry Regulation Law”). It has been revised. As we made candidate area of new regulation area based on embankment regulation law "the whole area of Yokohama city area", we announce that fact.
In addition, about prior publicity of development plan to neighboring inhabitants necessary with new regulation, we raise citizen opinions about adding the procedure to "the regulations about adjustment of Yokohama-shi development business" I will announce that fact.
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