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  7. Cooperation agreement for emergency measures in the event of an earthquake related to public buildings In preparation for a large-scale earthquake, we conducted immediate dispatch training!

Last updated on September 25, 2024.

The text is from here.

Cooperation agreement for emergency measures in the event of an earthquake related to public buildings In preparation for a large-scale earthquake, we conducted immediate dispatch training!

Press release materials

September 25, 2024

Housing and Architecture Bureau Maintenance Planning Division

Satoshi Iimura

TEL: 045-671-2910

Fax: 045-664-5477

In Yokohama City, in 1997, we concluded an "Agreement on Cooperation of First Aid Measures in the Event of an Earthquake Related to Yokohama City Public Buildings" with nine buildings and equipment-related organizations in the city. In addition, in 2018, we newly concluded an agreement with the Kanagawa Small and Medium Construction Industry Association Yokohama Branch.
In 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake dispatched 56 member companies and 82 members to 43 facilities based on the agreement to conduct safety inspections.
In order for the agreement to function effectively in the event of a disaster, we conduct immediate dispatch training once a year at city / ward government buildings, hospitals, fire departments, etc. (facilities subject to immediate dispatch) that play a central role in disaster recovery. .
Today, six organizations that have concluded the agreement dispatched 303 dispatched personnel to 52 facilities and conducted training all at once.

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