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  7. You can read 4,300 books anytime, anywhere, as much as you like! Introduction of e-book trial in school libraries of over-large schools

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You can read 4,300 books anytime, anywhere, as much as you like! Introduction of e-book trial in school libraries of over-large schools

Last updated on July 11, 2024.

Press release materials

July 11, 2024

Board of Education Secretariat Elementary and Junior High School Planning Division

Yoru Nakagawa

TEL: 045-671-4498

Fax: 045-664-5499

 In order to enhance children's reading opportunities, City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat and Poplar Co., Ltd. have concluded a partnership agreement, and since July 2024, nine schools have introduced Yomokka!, an all-you-can-read e-book service operated by the company. (This service allows you to read 4,300 books from 38 companies from one device for elementary school student students.)
 Trial introductions are conducted at "over-large schools (more than 31 classes)" and "In order to respond to the rapidly increasing number of elementary school student students, the space in the school library is limited, so we cannot physically arrange books."

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