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We hold ward exchange meeting of Yokohama child meeting

Last updated on August 16, 2024.

Press release materials

August 16, 2024

Board of Education Secretariat Human Rights Education and elementary school student Student Division

Hajime Matsuda

TEL: 045-671-3706

Fax: 045-671-1215

 As a child-centered initiative to prevent bullying, the Yokohama Children's Conference is a place where elementary school student students from all municipal schools take the initiative to discuss bullying issues and solve them on their own so that everyone can live with peace of mind.

[Changes for this fiscal year]
〇 From the announcement of each school's efforts up to last year to discussions on bullying itself
〇 Opportunities to express opinions and participate in various social activities following the enactment of the "Yokohama City Child and Child Care Basic Ordinance"
   Talks between different schools and different grades guaranteed
〇 Contents in line with definition understanding and actual case studies
  ・Learn the causes of SNS bullying cases, solutions, and the sense of "do not bully", etc.

 After understanding that "what the other person feels dislike" is bullying, think about what you can do to avoid bullying while touching the opinions and sensibilities of others. In addition, we will bring back what we have gained through discussions to each school and prevent bullying at each school through various initiatives that allow us to deeply understand the importance of partner awareness. 

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Board of Education Secretariat Human Rights and Health Education Department Human Rights Education and elementary school student Student Division

Phone: 045-671-3724

Phone: 045-671-3724

Fax: 045-671-1215

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