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  7. "Yokohama Future Dialogue 2040"-"Yokohama City New Medium-Term Plan" talk session by students who will lead the future of Yokohama and Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka, Mayor of Yokohama

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"Yokohama Future Dialogue 2040"-"Yokohama City New Medium-Term Plan" talk session by students who will lead the future of Yokohama and Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka, Mayor of Yokohama

Last updated on June 23, 2022.

Press release materials

June 23, 2022

Policy Bureau Policy Division

Hideko Tsuchiya

TEL: 045-671-2135

Fax: 045-663-4613

In the "Basic Direction of New Medium-Term Plan" (published on May 31) that Yokohama City will work on in the next four years, in order to share it with citizens and use it as a guideline for the plan, Yokohama around 2040 As a figure, we included "the image of the city we aim to work together".
2040 is a time when current students are in their late 30s and early 40s, and are expected to play an active role in various fields of society. Students who will be responsible for the future of Yokohama will deepen their understanding of the "city image we aim to work together" by talking with the mayor about their candid thoughts on Yokohama around 2040.

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