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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. Yokohama City and Nippon Life Insurance Company will conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement to extend the healthy life expectancy of citizens and realize a society that respects diversity!

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Yokohama City and Nippon Life Insurance Company will conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement to extend the healthy life expectancy of citizens and realize a society that respects diversity!

Last updated on September 30, 2022.

Press release materials

September 30, 2022

Policy Bureau Co-creation Promotion Division

Miji Kasuya

TEL: 045-671-4394

Fax: 045-651-3501

 In Yokohama City, we are promoting initiatives based on various measures and plans, including the Health Yokohama 21 and the Yokohama City Sports Promotion Plan, to create communities where many generations can play an active role in health and promote health through sports.
 In addition, Nippon Life Insurance Company is promoting a bright and long-lived era in which each person can live with peace of mind and enrich their lives in their own 100-year life. Utilizing a network of stores and staff nationwide, we are implementing initiatives in various fields such as health promotion and sports promotion rooted in local communities.
 This time, in cooperation with Nippon Life Insurance Company, we will conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement with the common vision of extending the healthy life expectancy of citizens and realizing a society that respects diversity.

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