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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. Based on the final evaluation results of "Online Health and Medical Consultation" conducted by Yokohama City's first SIB experimental project, we will start service at Kohoku Ward!

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Based on the final evaluation results of "Online Health and Medical Consultation" conducted by Yokohama City's first SIB experimental project, we will start service at Kohoku Ward!

Last updated on May 9, 2022.

Press release materials

May 9, 2022

Policy Bureau Co-creation Promotion Division

Miji Kasuya

TEL: 045-671-4394

Fax: 045-651-3501

Kohoku Ward was the first experimental project to implement a new public-private partnership scheme called Social Impact Bond (SIB) in fiscal 2020 and 3.
In experimental project, we provided a service that allows you to easily consult a professional physician online and verified the effectiveness of reducing the risk of postpartum depression in mothers.
In fiscal 2022, Kohoku Ward will continue to provide an online maternal and child health consultation service using digital technology in response to a decrease in the number of people with high risk of postpartum depression as a result of the completion of the verification of the effectiveness of the project and the final evaluation.

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