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  7. Mayor Yokohama, Mayor Kawasaki and Mayor Sagamihara announced the necessity of legislation of a" special city "from the viewpoint of residents-a new form of self-government realized from Kanagawa-"

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Mayor Yokohama, Mayor Kawasaki and Mayor Sagamihara announced the necessity of legislation of a" special city "from the viewpoint of residents-a new form of self-government realized from Kanagawa-"

Last updated on July 27, 2022.

Press release materials

July 27, 2022

Policy Bureau System Planning Division

Toru Matsuishi

TEL: 045-671-4323

Fax: 045-663-6561

 Yokohama City, Kawasaki City and Sagamihara City have a new metropolis system that combines authority and tax resources appropriate for large cities in order to respond to various issues facing large cities and provide sustainable administrative services for the future. We aim to legislate the "Special City".
 Today, Takeharu Yamanaka, Mayor of Yokohama, Mayor Norihiko Fukuda, Mayor of Kawasaki and Kentaro Motomura, Mayor of Sagamihara held a joint press conference and announced the necessity of legislation in a special city.

1 Details of the presentation
 The necessity of legislation of "special cities" from the perspective of residents
 -A new form of self-government realized from Kanagawa
 Ⅰ Introduction
 Ⅱ What is the "special municipal system" that the three cities aim for?
  ・The shape and way of thinking of the special city to aim for
  ・Issues for institutionalization of special cities
  ・Necessity of legislation for special cities
 Ⅲ Musubi
2 Attachments
 "Necessity of legislation of" special cities "from the viewpoint of residents" (summary version)

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