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  7. [Medical Care Bureau] Fiscal year appointment staff (daily job: administrative assistance such as free detailed inspection for those aged 70 and over) Recruitment guidance (April 1, 2025)

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[Medical Care Bureau] Fiscal year appointment staff (daily job: administrative assistance such as free detailed inspection for those aged 70 and over) Recruitment guidance (April 1, 2025)

Last updated on January 31, 2025.

Recruitment Guide

We are recruiting staff (daily job) for the fiscal year of the Medical Care Bureau Cancer and Disease Control Division.
For details, please refer to the application guidelines (PDF: 301KB).


It mainly covers the work related to the subsidy for detailed examination costs for people aged 70 and over in the cancer screening business and the following accompanying work.
1 Receiving and opening of mail
2 Checking of relevant documents and data entry work
3 Confirmation work with citizens who have inadequate documents
4 Telephone Transfer
5 Easy accounting and drafting
6 Enclosing and sealing of notices, etc.
7 Delivery of mail
8 Organizing related documents
9 Administrative assistance such as the hearing aid purchase cost subsidy project for hearing-impaired people
10 Other duties deemed necessary by the head of the affiliation
  ※Including disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)

Application requirements

1 Those who can actively engage in work
2 Those who can perform clerical work such as text input and document creation using Word or Excel
3 Those who do not fall under the grounds for disqualification regarding recruitment stipulated in Article 16, etc. of the Local Public Service Act
4 Those who can respond to citizens by face-to-face or telephone

Number of applicants

3 people

Working conditions

1. Appointment Period
  From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026
2 Working hours, etc.
  8:45 am to 5:15 pm (break time is 1 hour of this)
3 Working days
  5 days a week excluding Saturday and Sunday (excluding national holidays and New Year's holidays)
4 Work location
  17th and 21st floors of Yokohama City Hall (10, 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City)
5 Salary
  Daily amount: 10,320 yen
  Commuting expenses (equivalent to actual expenses * upper limit), end-of-term and diligence allowances are provided separately.
  ※Information as of January 2025.
6 Holidays
  According to the rules regarding working hours, vacations, etc. of staff appointed for the fiscal year of Yokohama City
7 Social insurance
  Joined employment insurance, Employees' Pension Insurance and Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association
8 Other working conditions are based on related rules such as the ordinance on salary and cost compensation for staff appointed for the Yokohama City Fiscal Year.

How to apply

1 Documents to be submitted
 (1) Fiscal year appointment staff application (PDF: 217KB) (first style)
 (2) Resume (PDF: 114KB)
 (3) Composition (PDF: 219KB)
2 Submission method
  Please apply by mail or bring it with you.
  ※In the case of bringing, please contact the person in charge below in advance and make an appointment before bringing.
3 Submission address
  6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
  City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Cancer and Disease Control Division
  To Arai in charge
  ※Please specify "Application for Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Daily Job)" on the envelope table.
  ※Please fill in the documents to be submitted by hand.
  ※Submitted documents will be used only for recruitment activities and will not be used for any other purpose. In addition, it will not be returned regardless of whether it is adopted or not.

Submission deadline

Must arrive on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (in the case of bringing, until 17:00 on the same day)

Selection method and flow of selection

1 Selection method
  Primary selection: Selection of documents around mid-February 2025
  Second Selection: Interview Either Wednesday, February 26, 2025 or Thursday, February 27, 2025
  ※Details will be announced separately to those who have passed the first screening.
2 Notification of selection results
  Candidates will be notified in writing, regardless of pass or fail.
  Primary selection: Selection of documents around mid-February 2025
  Second Selection: Interviews around early March 2025 

physical checkup at the time of employment

 Successful applicants will receive physical checkup before hiring.
 (Scheduled date of physical checkup at the time of employment: the date specified around mid-March 2025)


This offer is a matter on condition that the 2025 budget is decided in the Yokohama City Council.
If the budget is not voted on, it may not be accepted even if it passes the selection.

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Inquiries to this page

City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Cancer and Disease Control Division

Phone: 045-671-2453

Phone: 045-671-2453

Fax: 045-664-3851

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 678-519-284


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