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  6. Medical Care Bureau
  7. [Medical Care Bureau] Recruitment of Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Monthly Appointment of Infectious Disease Control Officer) (Recruited on April 1, 2025)

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[Medical Care Bureau] Recruitment of Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Monthly Appointment of Infectious Disease Control Officer) (Recruited on April 1, 2025)

Last updated on February 4, 2025.

1. Job description

(1) Human resource development (technical guidance, etc.) on infectious disease management at public health centers and ward offices
(2) Advice, guidance, consultation correspondence in infection management to city medical institutions
(3) Inspection reception, medical interviews, blood collection, etc. for infectious disease-related tests
(4) Other duties deemed necessary by the head of the affiliation
 ※ Including disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)

2 Eligibility

(1) Have a nurse's license
(2) Diverse practical experience in infection control at medical institutions
(3) Those who have been working in a leadership position in a hospital infection control team at a core or higher hospital
(4) Those who have experience in cooperation with the government

3 Number of recruiters

 1 person

4 Working conditions, etc.

(1) Appointment period

  From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026
  ※If a job with the same job content is set up after the expiration of the term of office, and if the work performance is good, the appointment may be re-appointed. (up to 4 times)

(2) Working days and hours

  Work four days a week ※Days not required to work: Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, closed days and one day a week determined by the Chief of Health and Safety Division
  From 8:45 to 17:15 (including 1 hour break time)

(3) Work location

  City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division (6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
  City ward offices, etc. (Assuming several times a year for infectious disease-related tests and guidance and advice on infection control)

(4) Compensation

  Monthly 254,200 yen
  ※The amount is subject to change due to the planned amount.
  ※During the appointment period, the amount may be changed due to the revision of the system.
  ※Other commuting allowance (with an upper limit), term-end / diligence allowance (paid according to Motoichi standards), business trip travel expenses (paid according to Motoichi standards), experience addition (in the case of reappointment, etc.)

(5) Holidays, etc.

  A. 16 days of annual paid leave (* Scheduled for the first year.)
  B Other (paid): Summer vacations, sick leave, bodily vacations, menstrual day leave, maternity leave, etc.
       (No paid) : Nursing care leave, etc.

(6) Social insurance

  There are employee health insurance, Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance.

(7) Others

  Working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.

5 How to apply

 Please mail the following documents (1) and (2):

(1) Application Form for Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Excel: 22KB)
(2) Self-introduction book (and interview card) (PDF: 104KB)
  ■Mail address: 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005
       To Watanabe, City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division

  ※Please specify "Application for Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Infection Manager)" on the envelope table.
  ※Documents to be submitted will be managed and disposed of by City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau.
   Submitted documents will be used only for recruitment activities and will not be used for any other purpose. Submitted documents will not be returned regardless of whether they are hired or not.

6 Application Period

 Until Wednesday, February 12, 2025 [Application documents must arrive]

7 Selection method and selection schedule

 Selection will be conducted at the interview. Details will be notified by telephone or other means after the end of the application period.
 Scheduled interview date: Thursday, February 20, 2025 (planned)

8 Date of pass/fail decision and recruitment

(1) Notice of recruitment and non-recruitment
  Candidates will be notified in writing, regardless of pass or fail. We will also contact recruiters by telephone to explain the future flow.

(2) physical checkup
  You will have a medical examination. Details such as the date and time will be announced separately. 

(3) Date of recruitment
  April 1, 2025

9 Inquiries

 City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division Takahashi, Ito TEL: 045-671-2463

10 Recruitment Guide

11 Others

 This offer is a matter on condition that the 2025 budget is decided in the Yokohama City Council. If the budget is not voted on, it may not be accepted even if it passes the selection.

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Safety Division, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-671-4182

Phone: 045-671-4182

Fax: 045-664-7296

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 512-028-525


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