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Last updated on September 18, 2024.

The text is from here.

Power of Attorney in Case of proxy/agent


 If the proxy/agent applies for the issuance of tax-exempt or tax-exempt certificates on behalf of the individual, a letter of attorney and other documents to confirm the existence of the proxy/agent.
You will need to bring proxy/agent's own identification documents.
 [Note] ① If you request a certificate by mail, proxy/agent cannot request it in power of attorney.
      ⇒About mail, please refer to page of the following link "municipal tax, prefectural tax taxation (tax exemption) certificate".
      ②  If you use a smartphone application, proxy/agent cannot make a claim.
      ⇒For smartphone application, please refer to the following link "About smartphone application" page.

What is the identity verification document?

A license, permit, or qualification certificate issued by a public office with a photo of the person attached.
(Example) My Number Card (Personal Number Card)
   Car driver's license
   Passport (passport)
   Basic Resident Register card with photo
   Resident card or special permanent resident certificate (alien registration certificate), etc.
① If you do not have a photo, such as a National Health Insurance Card, Health Insurance Card, National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) Notebook, etc., or if you have a certificate issued by an organization other than a public office, etc.   
   You may be asked to present multiple identity verification documents or ask questions.
② Those with a validity period are limited to those within the validity period.
③ The personal number notification card (paper) is not a personal identification document.

About the style of power of attorney

This is the form of a power of attorney.
Please print it out and use it when requesting certification, or fill out stationery and create a power of attorney.
If the delegate column is not self-signed or self-signed, a registered seal is required.
We may contact you by phone to confirm the delegation relationship, so please enter the contact information.

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Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-847-8355

Phone: 045-847-8355

Fax: 045-841-1596

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 780-891-912

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