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  7. (Tentative name) Sounding-type market research aimed at creating the appeal of Hanezawa Park

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(Tentative name) Sounding-type market research aimed at creating the appeal of Hanezawa Park

At Hanezawa Park, which will be newly established in Totsuka Ward, we conducted a sounding-type market survey (dialogue) to explore the possibilities of businesses that contribute to the creation of parks and local attractions in cooperation with private businesses.

Last updated on January 10, 2025.

A bird's-eye view of the planned park site
(Tentative name) Planned site of Hanezawa Park

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

Results of the dialogue (January 2025)

Based on the various suggestions and opinions received this time, we will consider collaboration and cooperation with private businesses in maintenance, management and operation.

Implementation of dialogue (May 2024)

How to conduct dialogue and how to apply (For details, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)
Date and time From Monday, May 20, Reiwa 6 to Friday, May 31, Reiwa 6
Location Yokohama City Hall (common meeting room)
Target person Corporations or groups of corporations interested in project implementation

Direct dialogue
※If you wish, you can also talk via the web conference system (scheduled to use Zoom).

Prior local explanation

In the event of a dialogue, we will provide local explanations to applicants.
[Date of implementation] Tuesday, April 23, 2024 2:00 pm (approximately 2 hours for applicants)
※Preliminary date: Friday, April 26 at 2:00 pm


Please send "entry sheet" to park green tract of land business section by email.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation (Hanezawa Park)].
Application period: From Wednesday, April 3, Reiwa 6 to Tuesday, May 28, Reiwa 6
※If you would like a local explanation, please apply by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 22.
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.
※If you wish to use the web conference system, the date and time will be decided after consultation individually.

Contents of dialogue (Because there are conditions for suggesting ideas, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)


①(Tentative name) Evaluation of Hanezawa Park (advantages and disadvantages to location and surrounding environment)
②Business ideas that contribute to the creation of parks
③Activities that contribute to the local community by incorporating local needs
④Intention to involvement in park management and operation outside the business area to be proposed
⑤Assumption of Business Period
⑥Requests to the city for utilization

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, etc.

Guide map, location map, floor plan, etc.

Contact information regarding dialogue

conservation, Green Space Division, Green Environment Bureau Park, Yokohama City
10 at 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City (27th floor of City Hall)
Phone: 045-671-3442
Fax: 045-671-2724
E-Mail address [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Green Environment Bureau Strategic Planning Division Park Promotion Officer

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Fax: 045-550-4093

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 872-347-744


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