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  7. Sounding-type market research on the use of Western-style buildings scheduled to be relocated to Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen).

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Sounding-type market research on the use of Western-style buildings scheduled to be relocated to Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen).

We conducted a sounding-type market survey (dialogue) to preserve the Western-style building, which is scheduled to be relocated in the Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen) (expansion) development project, and to utilize it in cooperation with private businesses.

Last updated on April 10, 2024.

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

The second dialogue

In the second dialogue, we showed the concept of open call for participants conditions (draft) based on the first opinions, etc., and asked about business planning based on this. The final recruitment conditions will be decided after consideration, including this dialogue, and we plan to proceed with the recruitment of business operators.

Results of the Dialogue (February 2024)

Conducted dialogue (July-August 2005)

How to conduct dialogue and how to apply (For details, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)
Period From Monday, July 24, Reiwa 5 to Friday, August 4, Reiwa 5
Location Yokohama City Hall (common meeting room)
Target person Groups of corporations or corporations that can create “Business Plan” and utilization zoning diagrams
Method Direct dialogue and dialogue through the web conference system
Contents A dialogue will be held based on the business plan created based on the concept of the open call for participants conditions (draft).
Application Please send the entry sheet to Environmental Planning Bureau Green Space Conservation Promotion Division by e-mail.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Application period: From Wednesday, July 5, Reiwa 5 to Tuesday, August 1, Reiwa 5
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.

 Utilization Concept

  • Exhibitions and utilization of the Iwata Family Residence, a Western-style building designated by the Yokohama CityTangible Cultural Property, were effectively attracted.
  • Creating a "hospitality space" suitable as a gateway to Yamate-District
  • Provision of information and services to serve as a tourist base for visitors to Yamate-District.
  • Providing services that are open to local residents
Concept of main open recruitment conditions (draft) (When preparing a business plan, be sure to check the detailed conditions in the implementation guidelines)

The Western-style building scheduled to be relocated and restored
Utilization of

①Please use the main use as a museum.
②If you want to use it for other purposes such as eating and drinking, product sales, seminars, etc. in addition to the main uses, please use it in accordance with the purpose of the utilization concept.

Utilization of extension building

①Please use the main use as a museum.
②If you want to use it for other purposes such as eating and drinking, product sales, seminars, etc. in addition to the main uses, please use it in accordance with the purpose of the utilization concept.

Utilization of lawn gardens (areas of buried cultural properties) Please use it in line with the purpose of the concept.
Maintenance of the garden For the purpose of further improving the convenience of park users, please maintain facilities that can be used by general park users in the garden.

In addition, in utilization
Necessary initiatives

①Please carry out useful and public interest initiatives for park users or surrounding areas such as Yamate-District.
②Please provide information and services that will serve as a tourist base for visitors to Yamate-District. (Information function appropriate for the entrance to Yamate-District, etc.)
③Please implement measures to utilize a part of remain, a buried cultural property preserved in the garden.
④Please carry out initiatives in cooperation with other Western-style buildings in Yamate-District.
⑤Please implement initiatives that contribute to "cooperation with the International Horticultural Expo", "improvement of services using digital technology", and "promotion of environmental measures (decarbonization, green infrastructure, SDGs, etc.) in Yokohama City".

Creation of business plan documents and utilization zoning diagrams

①How to create

・Based on the concept of the open call for participants conditions (draft), plan the business, and create a business plan (with a style below) and a utilization zoning diagram (with a base diagram below).

・The utilization zoning diagram should be displayed so that you can see the area of the for-profit business and the area in charge of management.

※For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

②Submission method

・Please submit by e-mail at least 2 days before the dialogue.

・E-mail: [email protected]

・The subject of the e-mail should be [submit business plan document] and set a password for the file.

③Reflecting in open recruitment of business operators (trial implementation of incentives for participation in dialogue)

・When Motoichi recognizes that business plan book and utilization zoning figure meet constant condition, we are going to add point at the time of examination of company open call for participants on a trial basis.

・Regarding the adoption or rejection as a candidate when adding points, the participating companies will be notified after the dialogue is completed in accordance with the announcement of the results of the dialogue.

※For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, business plan documents, utilization zoning diagrams, etc.

Photo of the Western-style building to be relocated
The Western-style building to be relocated

[Reference] The first dialogue

Results of the Dialogue (February 2022)

Implementation of dialogue (May 2021)

How to conduct dialogue and how to apply (For details, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)
Period From Monday, May 17, Reiwa 3 to Friday, May 28, Reiwa 3
Location Yokohama City Hall (common meeting room)
Target person Corporations or groups of corporations interested in project implementation

Direct dialogue and dialogue using the web conference system (planned to use Zoom)
※If you wish, you can also participate in writing (using "Proposal Sheet").


Please send the entry sheet to Green Space Conservation Promotion Division by e-mail.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Application period: From Monday, April 26, Reiwa 3 to Tuesday, May 25, Reiwa 3
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.
※If you wish to have a web conference system, the date and time will be determined after consultation individually.
※Please submit the entry sheet even if you wish to participate in writing.

Contents of dialogue (Because there are conditions for suggesting ideas, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)


①Location characteristics and charm of Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen)
②Utilization of Western-style buildings (use, scope, presence or absence of extension, etc.)
③Whether or not the surrounding garden is used
④Possibilities of construction costs required for park maintenance and preservation of Western-style buildings
⑤Degree of involvement in park management
⑥Contribution and involvement in the community
⑦Assumption of Business Period
⑧Measures that contribute to “new lifestyles”, “improvement of services using ICT (information and communication technology)”, and “environmental measures in Yokohama (e.g., dewarming)”
⑨Utilization of city businesses
⑩Requests to the city for utilization

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, proposal sheets, etc.

Location map, guide map, etc.

Contact information regarding dialogue

Environmental Planning Bureau Green Up Promotion Department Green Space Conservation Promotion Division
10 at 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City (27th floor of City Hall)
Phone: 045-671-3442
Fax: 045-550-4238
E-Mail address [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Park Promotion Officer, Strategic Planning Division, Strategic Planning Division, Green Environment Bureau Strategy Planning Department

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Fax: 045-550-4093

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 570-761-181


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