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  7. [End] (Tentative name) Sounding-type market research aimed at creating the appeal of Nakao 1-chome Park

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[End] (Tentative name) Sounding-type market research aimed at creating the appeal of Nakao 1-chome Park

At Nakao 1-chome Park, which will be newly established in Asahi Ward (tentative name), we solicited ideas to explore the possibilities of businesses that realize the creation of parks and local attractions in cooperation with various entities such as private businesses.

Last updated on June 2, 2023.

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

Results of the Dialogue (June 2023)

  • We were able to grasp that park maintenance assuming profit business by private business operators had problem.
  • In the future, we will consider creating attractiveness after opening the park while promoting maintenance by the city.

Conducted dialogue (January to February 2013)

Overview and method of application (Please be sure to check the implementation guidelines for details)
Period From Monday, January 23, Reiwa 5 to Friday, February 3, Reiwa 5
Location Meeting Room in Yokohama City Hall
Target person Businesses, organizations, etc. interested in project implementation

Face-to-face or web conference format


Please send the Entry Sheet to Chubu Parks and Green Space Development Division by e-mail.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Application period: From Wednesday, January 4, Reiwa 5 to Tuesday, January 31, Reiwa 5
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.

Contents of dialogue (Because there are conditions for suggesting business ideas, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)


①(Tentative name) Evaluation of the location of Nakao 1-chome Park (advances and disadvantages)
②Business ideas that contribute to the creation of attractiveness of the park (points for creating attractiveness, contents of business, contents when setting up facilities)
③Intention to involvement in park management
④Cooperation with local shopping streets, etc., and how to interact with nearby public utilities
⑤Concept of project implementation time or project period
⑥Requests to the city in business

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, etc.

Location map, guide map, etc.

Contact information regarding dialogue

In charge of central Parks and Green Space Development Division, Green Area, Environmental Planning Bureau Park
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone number: 045-671-2652
Fax: 045-671-2724
E-Mail address [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Parks and Green Space Management Division Public-Private Partnership in Environmental Planning Bureau Park Green Area

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Fax: 045-550-3916

E-Mail address [email protected]

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