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  7. [End] Sounding-type market research to enhance the appeal of Sorimachi Park

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[End] Sounding-type market research to enhance the appeal of Sorimachi Park

At Sorimachi Park (Kanagawa Ward), we conducted a sounding-type market survey through dialogue on the maintenance and operation of facilities in the park to explore the possibility of enhancing the attractiveness of the park through cooperation with private businesses.

Last updated on January 6, 2023.

Results of the Study (January 2023)

As a result of considering the proposals received in the sounding-type market survey in addition to the feasibility of improving attractiveness, the implementation of the open call for participants type business (Park-PFI business, etc.) was postponed for the reasons described in the attachment. I decided to do it.

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

Results of the dialogue (January 2022)

Implementation of dialogue (September 2021)

Overview and method of application (Please be sure to check the implementation guidelines for details)
Period From Wednesday, September 1, Reiwa 3 to Tuesday, September 14, Reiwa 3
Location Meeting rooms at Kanagawa Ward Office, Yokohama City Hall or Kanagawa Public Works Office
Target person Corporations or groups of corporations that can maintain or operate their own facilities

Face-to-face format
※If you wish, you can also participate in writing (using "Proposal Sheet").


Please send the "Entry Sheet" to Kanagawa Public Works Office by e-mail.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Application period: From Friday, August 6, Reiwa 3 to Wednesday, September 8, Reiwa 3
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.
※Please submit the entry sheet even if you wish to participate in writing.

Contents of dialogue (Because there are conditions for suggesting ideas, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)


①Evaluation of Sorimachi Park (advances and disadvantages)
②Businesses that contribute to improving the attractiveness of the park (business type, content, location when setting up facilities, etc.)
③Degree of involvement in park management
④Contribution and involvement in the community
⑤Assumption of Business Period
⑥Innovations that contribute to "new lifestyles", "improve services using ICT (information and communication technology)" and "environmental measures in Yokohama (e.g. decarbonization)"
⑦Utilization of city businesses
⑧Requests to the city in business

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, proposal sheets, etc.

Location map, guide map, etc.

Contact information regarding dialogue

Public Works Office, Kanagawa-ku
2-28-22, Kandaiji, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-491-3363
Fax: 045-491-7205
E-Mail address [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Parks and Green Space Management Division Public-Private Partnership in Environmental Planning Bureau Park Green Area

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Fax: 045-550-3916

E-Mail address [email protected]

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