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  7. (Tentative name) Sounding-type market research on the utilization of old folk house, etc. at Toterao 6-chome Park

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(Tentative name) Sounding-type market research on the utilization of old folk house, etc. at Toterao 6-chome Park

We will conduct sounding-type market research (dialogue) to explore the possibility of a business scheme that utilizes profits from the utilization of old folk house (Historic buildings registered in Yokohama City) and the utilization of land adjacent to the planned park site in cooperation with private businesses.

Last updated on April 10, 2024.

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

In this dialogue, we asked about utilization ideas, and based on the results of the dialogue, determine the park area and utilization method. In the case of proceeding as a publicly offered business, we plan to hold a second dialogue that shows the concept of specific publicly offered conditions (draft).

Results of the dialogue (March 2021)

Conducted dialogue (December 2020)

How to conduct dialogue and how to apply (For details, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)
Date and time From Monday, December 7, Reiwa 2 to Friday, December 25, Reiwa 2
Location Yokohama City Hall (common meeting room)
Target person Corporations or groups of corporations interested in project implementation

Direct dialogue
※If you wish, participate in writing (using the "Proposal Sheet") or engage in dialogue using the web conference system.
(We plan to use the free version of Zoom) is also available.

Prior local explanation

In the dialogue, we will provide local explanations to applicants.
Period From Monday, November 30, Reiwa 2 to Friday, December 25, Reiwa 2


Please send the entry sheet to Green Space Conservation Promotion Division by e-mail.
Email destination: [email protected]
The subject should be [Application for Dialogue Participation].
Application period: From Tuesday, November 24, Reiwa 2 to Tuesday, December 22, Reiwa 2
※We will inform you of the date and time as soon as you apply.
※Please submit the entry sheet even if you wish to participate in writing.
※If you would like to have a web conference system, please apply as soon as possible.

Contents of dialogue (Because there are conditions for suggesting ideas, be sure to check the implementation guidelines)


①Evaluation of the location of parks (strengths and weaknesses)
②Utilization of the old folk house area
③Utilization of incidental facilities in parks
④Possible burden of construction costs required for park maintenance and preservation of old folk house
⑤Degree of involvement in park management
⑥How to interact with the community
⑦Assumption of Business Period
⑧Measures that contribute to “new lifestyles”, “improvement of services using ICT (information and communication technology)”, and “environmental measures in Yokohama (e.g., dewarming)”
⑨Utilization of city businesses
⑩Requests to the city for utilization

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, proposal sheets, etc.

Location map, guide map, floor plan, etc.

Contact information regarding dialogue

Environmental Planning Bureau Green Up Promotion Department Green Space Conservation Promotion Division
6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City (27th floor of City Hall)
Phone: 045-671-3534
Fax: 045-224-6627
E-Mail address [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Park Promotion Officer, Strategic Planning Division, Strategic Planning Division, Green Environment Bureau Strategy Planning Department

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Phone: 045‐671-3847

Fax: 045-550-4093

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 388-572-425


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