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Employment and Labor Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
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Last updated on August 29, 2022.
Press release materials
August 29, 2022
Economic Affairs Bureau Employment and Labor Division
Yuko Utsugi
TEL: 045-671-2303
Fax: 045-664-9188
JFE Steel Corporation East Japan Works Keihin District will suspend blast furnaces and other equipment by September 2023, and there is concern that the employment of business partners will be affected.
For this reason, as a result of examining support measures at JFE Steel Corporation's Employment Section (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City, Kawasaki City, and Industrial Employment Stability Center), we have opened a special consultation desk for business owners in Hello Work, the Labor Standards Inspection Office, etc. in the prefecture to receive consultation on employee employment maintenance, reemployment, labor-related laws and regulations, etc.
In addition, the subcommittee is examining the establishment of a consultation desk and the implementation of matching support for those who work at JFE Steel Corporation and business partner-related establishments, and will inform you again.
The City of Yokohama established a Special Management Consultation Service on July 7, 2022, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises in the city affected by the Economic Affairs Bureau Finance Division, the Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (IDEC Yokohama), and the Yokohama Credit Guarantee Association. (Press Released on June 30, 2022)
〇 Counter setting date
Monday, September 5, 2022
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Employment and Labor Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Phone: 045-671-2341
Phone: 045-671-2341
Fax: 045-664-9188
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 681-454-282
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