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  7. "YOXO FESTIVAL", an exchange event aimed at creating innovation-The content of the exhibition has been decided-

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"YOXO FESTIVAL", an exchange event aimed at creating innovation-The content of the exhibition has been decided-

Last updated on January 11, 2023.

Press release materials

January 11, 2023

Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division

Hideaki Takagi

TEL: 045-671-3913

Fax: 045-664-4867

 In order to promote the “Innovation City Yokohama”, Yokohama City will announce the results of daily research and development and learning by diverse human resources, and will create many new encounters that will trigger innovation across organizations and domains. We will hold the "YOXO FESTIVAL", an event that will be held.
 This time, companies, schools, organizations, individuals, etc. have decided to exhibit at this event.
 Through the above events, we will contribute to the formation of networks and communities, the creation of new businesses, and the development of innovation personnel who will lead the next generation.

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Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Business Innovation Department

Phone: 045-671-4600

Phone: 045-671-4600

Fax: 045-664-4867

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