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[Press Release] We will establish “Foundation Fund” (special management guarantee not required)

Last updated on March 22, 2023.

Press release materials

March 22, 2023

Economic Affairs Bureau Finance Division

Yosuke Kondo

TEL: 045-671-2586

Fax: 045-664-4867

 Yokohama City has established a new financing system called “Foundation Funds (Special Need for Management Guarantee)” that eliminates the need for personal guarantees (management guarantees) of managers, which are considered to be one of the obstacles to their willingness to start a business, and will start handling on April 3, 2023.
 In addition, Yokohama City and the Yokohama City Credit Guarantee Association will subsidize up to the full credit guarantee fee when borrowing this loan, and will support the establishment of the company from a financial perspective.

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Finance Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

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