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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. 4 Yokohama-style regional contribution companies Premium Awards, 54 10-year award companies, and 14 newly certified companies have been decided.

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4 Yokohama-style regional contribution companies Premium Awards, 54 10-year award companies, and 14 newly certified companies have been decided.

Last updated on March 29, 2023.

Press release materials

March 29, 2023

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

Yuki Takayanagi

TEL: 045-671-2575

Fax: 045-664-4867

Yokohama City and the Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation conduct “local-conscious management” from the two perspectives of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community-based management, as well as “social activities, etc.” We certify companies that contribute to the community and contribute to the community as “Yokohama-type community contribution companies” and conduct business to support the sustainable growth and development of companies.
In fiscal 2022, four certified companies that will act as model for other companies were selected as premium award companies, and 54 certified companies that will continue to work for 10 years were selected as 10-year award companies. In addition, 14 companies have been newly certified as late-stage certifications, and 458 certified companies have been certified.
In addition, a new system called “Yokohama Regional Contribution Declaration Company” will be launched this fall to expand the frontage of certification.

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