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We will inform you of the results of the 79th Nine Prefecture City Summit Meeting (WEB Conference)

Last updated on April 21, 2021.

Press release materials

April 21, 2021

Policy Bureau Regional Administration Division

Kazunori Angata

TEL: 045-671-2108

Fax: 045-663-6561

 Today, the 79th Nine Prefecture City Summit Meeting (WEB Conference) was held as follows, and we will inform you of the results.

1 Date and time
  Wednesday, April 21, 2021 13:30 to 15:00

2 Attendees
  Governor Saitama    Motohiro Ohno
  Governor Chiba    Toshito Kumagai
  Governor of Tokyo    Yuriko Koike
  Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture Yuji Kuroiwa
  Mayor of Yokohama     Fumiko Hayashi
  Mayor Kawasaki     Norihiko Fukuda
  Yuto Choshimizu, Saitama-shi
  Mayor Sagamihara    Kentaro Motomura
  Mayor Chiba     Shunichi Kamiya (Chairman of the Nine Prefectural City Summit)
 ※Governor Fukushima    Masao Uchibori (Greetings at the beginning of the meeting)

※Please refer to the attached “Summary of Results” for the matters to be agreed and decided at the Nine Prefectural City Summit Meeting.

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