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We compiled eight city cooperation mayor meeting "reports such as future prediction of eight cities"

Last updated on June 10, 2021.

Press release materials

June 10, 2021

Policy Bureau Regional Administration Division

Kazunori Angata

TEL: 045-671-2108

Fax: 045-663-6561

 In Yokohama City, seven neighboring cities ※And the “8 City Cooperation Mayors Conference” was set up, aiming for “maintenance and improvement of administrative services”, “revitalization of local communities”, and “sustainable growth and development” of the entire sphere in a horizontal and equal relationship. We are proceeding with discussions.
 In FY2019 and FY2019, utilizing the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications commissioned project “New Wide Area Cooperation Promotion Project” in FY2021 to organize data on administrative demands necessary for examining specific cooperation measures, We summarized the direction of future initiatives agreed at the 8-city cooperation mayor meeting held on May 11, 2021 as a report.
  ※Kawasaki City, Yokosuka City, Kamakura City, Fujisawa City, Zushi City, Yamato City and Machida City

1 Overview of the Report

  • Analysis of the current status and characteristics of the eight cities based on objective data, the risks that emerged due to the spread of the COVID-19 infection infection, as well as problems arising from future changes in demographic structure, infrastructure and space.
  • In addition to the above analysis results, the current situation and issues of the eight cities grasped from the questionnaire survey of residents and the opinions of the young staff study session, which is the core generation of each city around 2040, were added, and "The future of eight cities" Organized as
  • At the 8-city cooperation Mayors' Meeting, they agreed to promote research and examination of specific cooperation such as "administrative issues in With Corona", "cultivation and securing specialized human resources", and "enlightenment activities to control the generation of plastic waste".       

2 Future Development
  Based on this report, etc., we will further promote specific cooperation projects and initiatives by the eight cities.

 The report can also be found on the following website.


Press release materials

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