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We make policy proposals on national systems and budgets.

Last updated on June 9, 2021.

Press release materials

June 9, 2021

Policy Bureau Regional Administration Division

Nobuko Nagahisa

TEL: 045-671-2109

Fax: 045-663-6561

 Prior to the national budget formulation for FY2022, we compiled Yokohama City's proposal on the national system and budget.
 Yokohama City will continue to strive for sustainable growth by overcoming the challenges it faces, such as further strengthening measures against COVID-19 infection, including vaccination. As a city that combines the “on-site power” of basic municipalities and the “comprehensive power” of large cities, the mayor makes policy proposals to relevant ministers, etc. from the viewpoint of driving the growth of Japan's society and economy.

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Regional Administration Division, Policy Bureau Metropolitan System Promotion Headquarters

Phone: 045-671-2951

Phone: 045-671-2951

Fax: 045-663-6561

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Page ID: 372-654-684


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